AbandonedSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Event for adandoned surveys.
AbandonedSurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AbandonedSurveyEvent
Creates a new event.
add(Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Adds an element at the end of the list
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Adds an element at the specified position in the list
addAttachment(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Add attachment to the email
addCellGroup(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Create a new cellgroup.
addDropdownQuestion(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Add a new question of type Question.QUESTION_DROPDOWN at the end of the survey.
addEssayFieldCheckbox(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. Use addIntextCheckbox(int posInQuestionText, String intextName).
addEssayFieldDecimal(int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. Use addIntextDecimal(int posInQuestionText, String intextName, int fieldSize, String errorMsg).
addEssayFieldDropdown(int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. Use addIntextDropdown(int posInQuestionText, String intextName, String label, String items, boolean sortOn).
addEssayFieldInteger(int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. Use addIntextInteger(int posInQuestionText, String intextName, int fieldSize, String errorMsg).
addEssayFieldText(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. Use addEssayFieldText(int posInQuestionText, String intextName, int fieldSize).
addGroupMember(User, long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Add a new member to the user group.
addIntextCheckbox(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Adds an in-text element of type checkbox to the question.
addIntextDecimal(int, String, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Adds an in-text element of type numeric decimal to the question.
addIntextDropdown(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Adds an in-text element of type dropdown to the question.
addIntextInteger(int, String, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Adds an in-text element of type numeric integer to the question.
addIntextText(int, String, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Adds an in-text element of type text to the question.
addInvitation(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Adds a new invitation to the survey.
addInvitation(User, long, Invitation) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Adds a new invitation to the survey (persistent).
addInvitee(String, String, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Adds new invitee to the invitation.
addInvitees(User, File, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Add invitees from the file.
addInviteesInThread(User, File, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Add invitees from the file.
addListener(IEventListener) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Adds a listener to the bus.
addListener(IEventListener, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Adds a listener to the bus.
addListener(IEventListener, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Adds a listener to the bus.
addListener(IEventListener, int, int, long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Adds a listener to a specific bus and event type, and a particular resource.
addMatrixQuestion(String, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Add a new question of type Question.QUESTION_MATRIX at the end of the survey.
addMultipleQuestion(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Add a new question of type Question.QUESTION_MULTIPLE at the end of the survey.
addNumericQuestion(String, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Add a new question of type Question.QUESTION_NUMERIC at the end of the survey.
addOption(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Adds an option to the end of the multiple choice question.
addOption(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Adds an option to the end of the multiple choice question.
addOption(String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Adds an option to the end of the multiple choice question.
addOption(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Adds an option to the the multiple choice question.
addPlugin(Plugin) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin.JAR
Adds a Plugin to the JAR object.
addPluginJAR(Plugin.JAR) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Adds a plugin JAR to the editor.
addQuestion(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Add a new question of type Question.QUESTION_NO_TYPE at the end of the survey.
addQuestion(User, long, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Creates a Question object from an XML string, and adds it at the end of the survey.
addRatingQuestion(String, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Add a new question of type Question.QUESTION_RATING at the end of the survey.
addRecipient(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Add a recipient
addRespondent(long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentUtils
Adds a respondent with random answers to surveys of any structure, based on the respondentEmptyRate (one of the constants defined in this class)
addRespondentAttributeToIncludeInExport(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Add an attribute to the current list of respondent attributes to include in the export.
addRespondents(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentUtils
Adds N respondents with random answers to surveys of any structure
addToBus(IPBComponent) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBus
Deprecated. Adds a component to the bus.
addToBus(IPBComponent) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusAdmin
Deprecated. Adds a component to the bus.
addToBus(IPBComponent, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusSurvey
AdminEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when an admin operation was performed.
AdminEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AdminEvent
Creates a new event.
AdminEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
AdminEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.AdminEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
ANONYMITY_FULL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Full response anonymity in invitations.
ANONYMITY_OFF - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
No response anonymity in invitations.
ANONYMITY_PARTLY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Partly response anonymity in invitations.
AUTH_NONE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Turns survey authentication off
AUTH_PASSWORD_ASSIGNED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Turns authentication on, with unique passwords per invitee.
AUTH_PASSWORD_FIXED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Turns authentication on, with a fixed password (same password for all respondents).
availableForReport(long, long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IReportElement
Returns true if report type is available for the specified survey/report.
availableForSurvey(long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IReport
Returns true if report is available for a survey


BranchDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a branch is deleted.
BranchDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.BranchDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
BUS_TYPE_INVITATION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Event bus type for invitation events.
BUS_TYPE_PANEL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Event bus type for panel events.
BUS_TYPE_REPORT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Event bus type for report events.
BUS_TYPE_SURVEY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Event bus type for Survey events.
BUS_TYPE_SURVEY_MANAGEMENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Event bus type for survey management events.
BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Event bus type for system admin events.
BUS_TYPE_USER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Event bus type for user administration events.


CallBack - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.event
This class is not directly part of the normal Opinio event mechanism, but rather a generic interface for a one-to-one callback mechanism.
callBack() - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.event.CallBack
Method that will be called back on the original caller, if no errors occurred.
callBackOnError(String) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.event.CallBack
Method that will be called on the original caller, in the event of an error.
canValidate(int) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Returns whether the plugin can validate the type of validation, or not
CELL_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type checkbox.
CELL_DROPDOWN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type dropdown.
CELL_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Empty matrix cell.
CELL_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type image.
CELL_LABEL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type label.
CELL_NUMERIC_DEC - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type numeric decimal.
CELL_NUMERIC_INT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type numeric integer.
CELL_RADIO - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type radio button.
CELL_TEXT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Matrix cell of type text
CELLGROUP_ANY_CELL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Cellgroup type: The group contains cells of checkbox type.
CELLGROUP_CUSTOMIZED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Cellgroup type: The group contains cells of different types
CELLGROUP_INTERSECTION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Cellgroup type: The group contains cells of checkbox type, only one cell can be selected
CELLGROUP_ONE_PER_ROW - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Cellgroup type: The group contains cells of radio type, one cell per row can be selected
CELLGROUP_RANKING - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Cellgroup type: The group contains cells of checkbox type, one cell per column x row can be selected
changeQuestionType(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Change question type (rating question to multiple, matrix to dropdown and so on.) This method creates a new question of the requested type, copies all old question attributes and in-text elements and return the new question object as Question.
checkLogin(long, HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ISurveyLogin
Validates the login.
checkPassword(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Compare entered password with the user password.
clearCellValues() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Clear cell responses.
clearOptionValues() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Clear option values and 'other-field' value.
clearSelectedValue() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseDropdown
Clear the selected values
closeZipFile() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginJARClassLoader
Closes the ZIP file.
com.objectplanet.survey.event - package com.objectplanet.survey.event
com.objectplanet.survey.event.events - package com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
com.objectplanet.survey.plugin - package com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api - package com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event - package com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces - package com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu - package com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventListenerListNode
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
ConnectionPool - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Used to get database connection from the pool.
ConnectionPool() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ConnectionPool
Constants - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Constants class for the plugin API.
Constants() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Constants
containsQuestion(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Returns true if question with specified question number is on the page.
createFolder(User, long, String, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Creates a folder.
createInviteeList(User, InviteeList) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResourceManager
Creates a new reusable invitee list in the storage.
createMessage(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Create an email message
createRespondent(long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Create a new respondent object.
createSurvey(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Creates a survey.
createSurvey(User, String, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Creates a survey object from an XML string, stores it in the database, and puts the survey in a folder.
createUser(User, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Creates a new user
createUserGroup(User, String, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Creates a new user group
CSVExportParameters - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents the parameters for a CSV export.
CSVExportParameters(long, File) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Creates a CSVExportParameters object.
CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_QUESTION - Static variable in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Validator type: Custom validator for question


debug(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
log statements with level = debug.
DECIMAL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Numeric type decimal is allowed for response input
DEFAULT_SETUP_HTML - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Deprecated. Will be made private when getSetupHTML() is removed
deleteAddQuestionLibraryPermission(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Deny permission to create question libraries for a user with id userId.
deleteAllQuestions() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deletes all questions in this survey.
deleteCellGroup(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Delete the cellgroup.
deleteColumn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
This method deletes a matrix column.
deleteEssayField(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use deleteIntext(intextIndex)
deleteEssayResponse(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Deprecated. use deleteIntextResponse(int intextIndex)
deleteFolder(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Delete a folder by id.
deleteFolderPermission(User, long, long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Deny folder permission to a user with id userId.
deleteGroupMember(User, long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Deletes a member from the group.
deleteIncompleteRespondents(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Removes all incomplete respondents for the survey permanently.
deleteIntext(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Delete in-text element from the question.
deleteIntextResponse(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Deletes response to the in-text element.
deleteInvitation(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deletes an invitation.
deleteInviteeList(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResourceManager
Delete an invitee list.
deleteInvitees() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Delete all invitees
deleteInvitees(long[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Delete invitees
deleteQuestion(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deletes a question.
deleteRespondent(User, long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Removes a respondent permanently.
deleteRespondentFromCache(User, long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Removes a respondent from cache.
deleteRespondents(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Removes all respondents for the survey permanently.
deleteResponse(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Deletes a response.
deleteRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
This method deletes a matrix row.
deleteSelectedValue(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseDropdown
Deletes the chosen item.
deleteSurvey(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Delete a survey by survey id.
deleteSurveyPageCustomAttribute(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deleted a survey page custom attribute.
deleteSurveyPermission(User, long, long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Deny survey permission to a user with id userId.
deleteUser(User, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Deletes a user by login name
deleteUserGroup(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Deletes a user group
deleteValidator(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Delete validator.
deleteValidator(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use deleteValidator(int type, String intextTagId)
deleteValidator(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Delete in-text element validator.
deleteValidator(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Delete matrix cell validator.
DISPLAY_QUESTIONNO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Dislpay default question numbers (1, 2, 3, ..)
DISPLAY_QUESTIONNO_DEFINED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Display numbers which defined in every question
DISPLAY_QUESTIONNO_NONE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Do not display question numbers
DisplayQuestionEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new response is created, after the response has been responded to and the object has been populated.
DisplayQuestionEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplayQuestionEvent
Creates a new event.
DisplayQuestionEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
DisplayQuestionEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.DisplayQuestionEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired before the survey save screen is displayed.
DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent
Creates a new DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent.
DROPDOWN_QUESTION_MAXIMUM_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Maximum selections in response to dropdown question.
DROPDOWN_QUESTION_MINIMUM_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Minimum selections in response to dropdown question.


Email - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Object that represents an email.
Email(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Constructor for the email to one recipient
EmailCreationException - Exception in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
EmailCreationException() - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.EmailCreationException
Default constructor
EmailCreationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.EmailCreationException
Constructor which takes a describing string as parameter
ensureListSize(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Make sure the list is at least the specified size.
error(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
log statements with level <= error.
ESSAY_FIELD_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Checkbox in-text field type
ESSAY_FIELD_DROPDOWN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Dropdown in-text field type
ESSAY_FIELD_DROPDOWN_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_NUMERIC_DEC - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Numeric decimal in-text field type
ESSAY_FIELD_NUMERIC_INT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Numeric integer in-text field type
ESSAY_FIELD_NUMERIC_IS_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_NUMERIC_MAXIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_NUMERIC_MINIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_NUMERIC_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Text input in-text field type
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT_DATE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Deprecated. use INTEXT_TEXT_DATE
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Deprecated. use INTEXT_TEXT_EMAIL
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT_MAXIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT_MINIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT_MUST_CONTAIN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT_REGEXP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Deprecated. use INTEXT_TEXT_REGEXP
ESSAY_FIELD_TEXT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
ESSAYFIELD_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Essay field total length
Event - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
The base class of all EventBus events.
Event(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event
Creates a new BusEvent.
Event.NonVetoable - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
An BusEvent implementation that cannot be vetoed.
Event.NonVetoable(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event.NonVetoable
Creates a new non-vetoable BusEvent.
EVENT_TYPE_ABANDONED_SURVEY_EVENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_ALL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_BRANCH_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_QUESTION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_SURVEY_SAVE_SCREEN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_IMPORTED_SURVEY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_INVITATION_PANELIST_INVITED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_INVITATION_PRE_DELETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_INVITATION_PRE_INVITEE_DELETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_INVITATION_PRE_INVITEE_DELETE_ALL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_INVITATION_SENT_MANUALLY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_INVITATION_TASK_COMPLETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_INVITEE_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_LICENSES_SAVED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_LOAD_SURVEY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_BRANCH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_LIVE_RESPONDENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_PANELIST_EVENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_QUESTION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_REPORT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_RESPONDENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_SIGNUP_SURVEY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_SURVEY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_SURVEY_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_TRANSLATED_SURVEY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_USER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PANELIST_DELETED_EVENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PANELIST_HISTORY_ITEM_SAVED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PANELIST_UPDATED_EVENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_POLL_IMPRESSION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_POST_DELETE_PANELISTS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_POST_DELETE_RESPONDENTS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_DELETE_RESPONDENTS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_INVITATION_TASK - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_SEND_CUSTOM_INVITATION_MSG - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_SIGNUP_SURVEY_DELETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_SURVEY_DELETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_SURVEY_FOLDER_DELETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_SURVEY_PAGE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_PRE_USER_DELETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_QUESTION_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_QUESTION_MOVED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_QUESTION_UPDATED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_QUOTA_REACHED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_QUOTA_VALUE_UPDATED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_REPORT_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_RESPONDENT_COMPLETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_RESPONDENT_DATA_FOUND - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_RESPONDENT_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_RESPONDENT_REOPENED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_RESPONDENT_STORE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_RESPONDENTS_EXPORTED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_SURVEY_BEHAVIOR_UPDATED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_SURVEY_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_SURVEY_FOLDER_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_SURVEY_FOLDER_UPDATED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_SURVEY_SAVE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_SURVEY_UPDATED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_SYSTEM_INFO_SAVED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_TRANSIENT_RESPONDENT_COMPLETE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_TRANSLATED_SURVEY_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_UPGRADE_FAILED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_USER_DELETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_USER_LOGIN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_USER_LOGOUT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EVENT_TYPE_USER_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
EventBus - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
The EventBus is the global event notification mechanism.
EventBusListNode - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
Event bus event type node.
EventBusListNode() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusListNode
EventBusManager - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
The EventBus is the global event notification mechanism.
EventListenerListNode - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
Class that is used in the list of Listeners.
EventListenerListNode() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventListenerListNode
EventUtils - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
Utility methods for the Event classes
EventUtils() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventUtils
exportCSV(CSVExportParameters) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Exports survey data to a CSV file.


fatal(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
log statements with level = fatal
Folder - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Folder.


get(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Gets an object in the list, at the specified position
getAccessType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserPermissionEvent
Get the access type of the permission just added.
getAdvancedHTML(HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Returns the advanced HTML setup to be placed in a popup window when user click on link in the question edit screen.
getAnswerRotation() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the answer rotation attribute
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the value for a invitee attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the value for a respondent attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets an attribute of the Survey object
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets an attribute of the User object
getAttributes() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets all the invitee attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets all the respondent attributes.
getAttributesExist() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Returns true if one or more attributes exist for this respondent.
getAuthenticationType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the authentication type.
getBackButtonImage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the back button image.
getBackButtonOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the back button.
getBackButtonText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the back button text.
getBgColor() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey background color.
getBgImage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey background image.
getBlocked() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Get the flag that determines if the respondent is to be blocked from continuing the survey.
getBranchId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.BranchDeletedEvent
getBranchId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewBranchEvent
getBranchLayoutCSV() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
get a csv representation of the branching information.
getBranchName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.BranchDeletedEvent
getBranchName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewBranchEvent
getCallBackObj() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the callback object used for this export.
getCellBackgroundColor(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the background color of the cell .
getCellBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the background color of the cellgroup.
getCellDropdownItems(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the dropdown items.
getCellDropdownLabel(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the dropdown label.
getCellDropdownSortOn(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the dropdown sort on attribute.
getCellFieldSize(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the cell input-field size.
getCellGroupEndCol(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the end column of the cellgroup.
getCellGroupEndRow(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the end row of the cellgroup.
getCellGroupHeading(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the heading of the cellgroup.
getCellGroupName(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets a cellgroup by col/row position.
getCellGroupNames() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets all cellgroup names.
getCellGroupStartCol(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the start column of the cellgroup.
getCellGroupStartRow(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the start row of the cellgroup.
getCellGroupType(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the type of the cellgroup.
getCellImageRelativeURL(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the image url.
getCellLabel(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the cell label.
getCellLabelColor(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the label text color.
getCellType(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the cell type.
getCellValue(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Gets the cell value
getChangeValue() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotaValueUpdatedEvent
Gets the change value.
getCharacterEncoding() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Gets the system character encoding (from setup screen)
getClassLoader() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin.JAR
Gets the classLoader
getClassName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin.Broken
Gets the className attribute of the Broken object
getClassName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Returns the plugin's class name.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the number of matrix columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets the number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the number of columns in the survey.
getCompletedDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the completed date
getCompletedRespondentCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the number of completed responses for this survey.
getComponents() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBus
Deprecated. Returns an array of all components connected to the bus.
getComponents() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusAdmin
Deprecated. Returns an array of all components connected to the bus.
getComponents(long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusSurvey
getConnection() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ConnectionPool
Gets the database connection
getContentType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the content type for the message.
getContentType(InputStream) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IFileTypeDetector
Get content type for the input stream.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the user the survey was created by.
getCreatedDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the created date
getCreatedDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the user created date
getCreationType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LoadSurveyEvent
Sets the creation type attribute.
getCreationType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
Sets the creation type attribute.
getCSS_URL() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey CSS.
getCurrentResponse() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the current response.
getCustomAttribute(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the specified custom attribute value from the section
getCustomAttributes() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the custom attributes set for the section
getCustomId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the customId of the Question object.
getCustomId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the custom survey id.
getDaysUntilExpiration() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Return days until expirations for the current license.
getDefaultFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the default folder id
getDeletedUserEmail() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Gets the deleted user email
getDeletedUserEmail() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Gets the deleted user email
getDeletedUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreUserDeleteEvent
Gets the deleted user id
getDeletedUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Gets the deleted user id
getDeletedUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreUserDeleteEvent
Deprecated. Gets the deleted user id
getDeletedUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Gets the deleted user id
getDeletedUserLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Gets the deleted user login
getDeletedUserLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Gets the deleted user login
getDeletedUserMemo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Gets the deleted user memo
getDeletedUserMemo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Gets the deleted user memo
getDeletedUserName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Gets the deleted user name
getDeletedUserName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Gets the deleted user name
getDeletionType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeletePanelistsEvent
getDeletionType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
One of the constants defined in Constants
getDeletionType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteRespondentsEvent
One of the constants defined in Constants
getDescription() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets the description of the folder.
getDescription() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserGroup
Returns the user group description
getDislpayQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the dislpayQuestionNo attribute.
getDisplayNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the display number attribute of the question.
getDropdownInputName(int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a dropdown input field for a question.
getEdition() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
getEditionName(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get the edition name of the current license
getElementType(long, long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IReportElement
Gets the report type name.
getEmail() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the email
getEmailObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Gets the save value
getEmailType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Gets the email type
getEntryDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the entry date
getErrorDetail() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UpgradeFailedEvent
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the error message for the response.
getErrorMessage(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the error message for an in-text element.
getErrorMessage(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Gets the error message for an matrix cell.
getErrorMessage(HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Gets the errorMessage to show from the settings hashmap.
getErrorMsg() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UpgradeFailedEvent
getErrorMsg() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Deprecated. from version 6.0 The ProcessResult object is used instead of error message.
getEssayFieldCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use getIntextCount()
getEssayFieldDropdownItems(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use getIntextDropdownItems(intextIndex)
getEssayFieldDropdownLabel(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use getIntextDropdownLabel(int intextIndex)
getEssayFieldDropdownSortOn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use getIntextDropdownSortOn(int intextIntext);
getEssayFieldSize(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use getIntextSize(int intextIndex)
getEssayFieldType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use getIntextType(int intextIndex)
getEssayInputName(int, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Deprecated. use getIntextName((int qNo, int index)
getEssayResponse(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Deprecated. use getIntextResponse(int intextIndex, int intextType)
getExportFileExtension() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Gets the preferred file extension when exporting files.
getExportKeepFiles() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Gets the preferred keep file property.
getFailedId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Get the failed id.
getFailedToLoad() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Return true if plugin failed to load
getFieldSize() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Gets the field size
getFinishButtonImage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the image for the 'finish'-button.
getFinishButtonText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the text on the 'finish'-button
getFinishClicked() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Get the flag that determines the finish-button was clicked in the survey.
getFolder(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Get a folder by id.
getFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyFolderEvent
Gets the folderId attribute of the NewSurveyFolderEvent object
getFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent
Gets the folderId attribute of the PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent object
getFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderDeletedEvent
Gets the folderId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent
Gets the folderId attribute of the NewSurveyFolderEvent object
getFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets the id of the folder.
getFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the folder id.
getFolderTitle() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyFolderEvent
getFolderTitle() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent
getFolderTitle() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent
getFont() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey text font.
getFontColor() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey text font color.
getFontSize() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey text font size.
getFooter() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey footer (text at the bottom of the survey).
getFormWidth() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey form width.
getFreeText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the answer to the free text.
getFreeTextColumns() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the number of columns in the free-text field
getFreeTextInputName(int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a free text input field for a question.
getFreeTextLabel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the label of the free-text field
getFreeTextMaxLength() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the max allowed length (to type in) of the free-text field.
getFreeTextRows() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the number of rows in the free-text field
getFromCompletedDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the completed date that the export will begin from (inclusive).
getFromEmail() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the from email.
getFromName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the from name.
getFromQuestion() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the from question
getFromRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the respondent id that the export will start from (inclusive)
getFromStartDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the start date that the export will begin from (inclusive).
getFunctionCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Gets the number of functions provided by the plugin.
getFunctionHTML(int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Gets the HTML code for plugin function.
getFunctionIconBig(int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Gets page icon for the plugin function.
getFunctionIconSmall(int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Gets icon for the plugin function menu item.
getFunctionLabel(int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Gets the link label to the plugin function.
getFunctionUrl(int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Url to go to when link with label getFunctionLabel(int functionNo, HashMap resources) is clicked.
getHeader() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey header (text at the top of the survey).
getHelpHTML() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
NOTE: this method is not yet used by Opinio.

Gets the HTML code for displaying help.
getHelpURL() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Gets the help url for linking the plugin's help page to the plugin setup screen and the pluginMenuHook.jsp.
getHistoryType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent
getHostId() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get the host ID for the current Opinio installation.
getHtmlFile() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the HTML file for the survey.
getIdKey() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Returns the value of invitee idKey
getImportIdentifier() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
getInProgressRespondentCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the in progress respondent count
getIntextCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the number of in-text elements in this question
getIntextDropdownItems(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get dropdown items of in-text element, one per line.
getIntextDropdownLabel(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get dropdown label of in-text element.
getIntextDropdownSortOn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get dropdown in-text element sortOn attribute .
getIntextIndex(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get in-text element index by name.
getIntextName(int, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input field name for an in-text element for a question at the specific index.
getIntextName(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get in-text element name.
getIntextResponse(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the response value for the specified in-text element
getIntextSize(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get in-text element size.
getIntextType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get in-text element type.
getInvitation(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets an invitation.
getInvitationDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the invitation date.
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationSentManuallyEvent
Gets the invitationId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationTaskCompletedEvent
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteInvitationEvent
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInvitationTaskEvent
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteAllEvent
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteEvent
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent
Gets the invitationId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the invitation id
getInvitationId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the invitation id
getInvitationIds() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets invitation ids.
getInvitationMessage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the invitation message (in the email sent to invitee)
getInvitationName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the invitation name.
getInvitationsAnonymity() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the invitationsAnonymity attribute.
getInvitationSentDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get the date when invitation email was sent.
getInvitationSubject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the invitation subject (in the email sent to invitee)
getInvitee(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets an invitee from storage
getInvitee(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets an invitee by the invitee id.
getInviteeCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get invitee count
getInviteeEmail() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the invitee email
getInviteeId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent
getInviteeId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
getInviteeId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteEvent
getInviteeId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the invitee id
getInviteeId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
getInviteeId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the invitee id (if applicable)
getInviteeIds() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets array of all invitee ids.
getInviteeList(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResourceManager
Gets the invitee list.
getInviteeListId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Gets the inviteeListId attribute of the InviteeList object
getInviteeLists(User) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResourceManager
Gets the invitee lists for this user (array of ListItems)
getInviteeName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the invitee name
getInvitees() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationSentManuallyEvent
Gets the previously pending invitees that the invitation was sent to.
getInvitees() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent
Gets the previously pending invitees that the invitation was sent to.
getInvitees() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Gets the invitees.
getIpAddress() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the ip address.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Get number of items.
getItemId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ListItem
Gets the id of the list item
getItemName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ListItem
Gets the name
getItems() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Gets the dropdown items as array of Strings.
getJAR() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Returns the JAR file containing this plugin.
getJavaScriptFunction(int, HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Gets the javaScriptFunction code for client side validation For example, for a plugin called FreeTextValidatorPlugin the returning javascript function call could be:
getJavaScriptFunctionCall(int, HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Gets the javaScriptFunctionCall name for client side validation This method must return a complete function call, including the function name and the parameters signature.
getLabel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Gets the dropdown label.
getLabelValueSeparator() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Gets the separator between dropdown item and value
getLanguage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the language
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewTranslatedSurveyEvent
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the languageCode for which language the respondent responded to the survey in.
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the language code of the survey.
getLastLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the last login date
getLastQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the number of the last question number in the survey
getLastReminderMessage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get message of the last reminder.
getLastReminderSubject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get subject of the last reminder.
getLastResponse() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the question number of last answered question.
getLimitReachedHTML() - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ICreateReportLimit
Returns html for "limit is reached" page that will be displayed if isMaxReportsPerSurveyReached(long userId, long surveyId) returns true.
getLimitReachedHTML() - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ICreateSurveyLimit
Returns html for "limit is reached" page that will be displayed if isMaxSurveysReached(long userId) returns true.
getLimitReachedHTML() - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ICreateUserLimit
Returns html for "limit is reached" page that will be displayed if isMaxUsersReached(long userId) returns true.
getListenerList() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusListNode
getListenerLists() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusListNode
getLocale() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the current set locale
getLockMessage() - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ISurveyLock
This method will be called if the survey has been locked by the implentor, and returns a customized lock message.
getLoggedInUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLoginEvent
Gets the user id who is just logged in
getLoggedOutUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLogoutEvent
Gets the user id who is just logged out
getLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AdminEvent
getLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the login name
getLoginScreen(long, HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ISurveyLogin
Gets the login screen for the survey.
getLongTime() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get long time: return the date attribute of the SystemTime object
getMatrixGroupIntersectionInputName(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a matrix group of type Intersection for a question.
getMatrixGroupOnePerRowInputName(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a matrix group of type OnePerRow for a question.
getMatrixInputName(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a matrix input field for a certain cell in a matrix question.
getMaxResponses() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the maximum respondent count for this survey.
getMaxText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Gets the maximum text
getMaxUploadSize() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the maximum size for uploaded files in KB.
getMaxUsers() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Returns max allowed users for the current license.
getMemo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the memo
getMessage(String, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get message from i18n resources
getMessage(String, String[], String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get message from i18n resources
getMessage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.ProcessResult
Returns message to show to the user (error message or confirmation message)
getMinText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Gets the minimum text
getMultipleInputName(int, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a multiple input field for a question at a specific index, where more than one selections are allowed.
getMultipleOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Gets the multipleOn attribute.
getMultipleOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets the multipleOn
getMultipleOneSelectionInputName(int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a multiple input field for a question, where only one selection is allowed.
getMultipleOtherInputName(int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a multiple other input field for a question
getMultipleSubmissions() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the multiple submissions value
getMultipleSubmissionsCheckType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the multiple submissions check type for the survey.
getNALabel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Gets the label of the N/A field
getName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets the name of the folder
getName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Gets the name attribute of the InviteeList object
getName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserGroup
Returns the user group name
getNewQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionMovedEvent
getNewUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserEvent
Gets the user if of the newly created user
getNewUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewUserEvent
Deprecated. Gets the newUserId
getNewUserLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserEvent
getNextButtonImage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the image for the 'next'-button.
getNextButtonText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the text on the 'next'-button
getNextInviteeAttributeId(Connection) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SequenceManager
Gets the next InviteeAttributeId.
getNextPanelistAttributeId(Connection) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SequenceManager
Gets the next PanelistAttributeId.
getNextQuestion() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the number of the next question (after current response).

If survey contains branch conditions some questions might be filtered out based on responses to the previous questions.
getNextRespondentAttributeId() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SequenceManager
Gets the next RespondentAttributeId.
getNextSurveyAttributeId(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SequenceManager
Gets the next SurveyAttributeId.
getNotCachedRespondent(long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Get a respondent without adding it to the cache
getNotLoadedPluginJARs() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Returns a list of plugin JARs that are not currently loaded by examining the user and system plugin directories.
getNumericInputName(int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML input name for a numeric input field for a question.
getNumericType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Gets the type of this numeric question
getOldQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionMovedEvent
getOptionButtonLayout(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets option button layout (position relative to the text/image)
getOptionCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets the optionCount
getOptionImage(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets option image
getOptionImageLayout(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets option image layout (position relative to the text)
getOptionText(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets option text.
getOptionValue(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Gets the value for multiple option.
getOptionValues() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Gets the array of option values.
getOtherField() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Gets text-field for entering "other".
getOtherValue() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Gets the response to the 'other-field'
getPageBreak() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the pageBreak value, true if pageBreak after section
getPanelId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSignupSurveyEvent
getPanelId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeletePanelistsEvent
getPanelId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteSignupSurveyEvent
getPanelistId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewPanelistEvent
getPanelistId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistDeletedEvent
getPanelistId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent
getPanelistId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
getPanelistId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistUpdatedEvent
getParentFolderId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets the id of the parent folder.
getParentSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewTranslatedSurveyEvent
getParentSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent
getPassword() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the password.
getPath() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin.JAR
Gets the path of the Jar file.
getPlugin(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Returns the plugin with the specified class name.
getPluginJAR(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Returns the JAR with the specified path name.
getPluginJARs() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Returns an array of installed plugins.
getPlugins() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin.JAR
Gets the plugins found in the Jar file.
getPlugins() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Returns an array of installed plugins.
getPluginsByInterface(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Gets the list of plugins by interface.
getPluginsByInterface(String[]) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Gets the list of plugins by interface names.
getPluginVersion() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Return the version of the plugin api.
getPostfixLabel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Gets the postfix label.
getPrefixLabel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Gets the prefix label.
getPreventMethods() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the method for preventing multiple submissions.
getProgressBar() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the progress bar attribute.
getProgressBarLabel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the progress bar label type (one of the types above).
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Method for getting a plugin property value that is stored in the database.
getQuestion(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets a question object by question number
getQuestion(User, long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Gets the XML representation of a Question object.
getQuestionCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the number of questions in this survey.
getQuestionHTML(User, long, int, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML code for a question.
getQuestionHTML(User, long, int, HttpServletRequest, PipingSource) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the HTML code for a question.
getQuestionId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the question Id.
getQuestionLayout() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the question layout.
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplayQuestionEvent
Gets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewQuestionEvent
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionDeletedEvent
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionUpdatedEvent
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ResponseEvent
Gets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the questionId attribute of the Response object
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.DisplayQuestionEvent
Deprecated. Gets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
getQuestionNo() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.ResponseEvent
Deprecated. Gets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
getQuestionReportHTML(long, int, long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IReportElement
Gets report html for a report type.
getQuestionText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the question text.
getQuestionType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the questionType attribute of the Question.
getQuestionXMLHeader(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Gets the XML header for an XML file containing a question.
getQuotaId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotaValueUpdatedEvent
Gets the quota Id
getRandomQuestionOrder() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the randomQuestionOrder value, true if random question order is turned on
getRatingInputName(int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets the html input name for a rating input field for a question.
getRatingLevel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Gets the rating level
getRatingStartLevel() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Gets the rating start level
getRedirectAddress() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the redirectAddress.
getRedirectAfter() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the redirectAfter attribute.
getRedirectUrl(String) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ILoginRedirect
Redirects the logged in used to the specified url.
getReminder1Date() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the date when the first reminder is scheduled to be sent.
getReminder1SentDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get the date when first reminder was sent.
getReminder2Date() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the date when the second reminder is scheduled to be sent.
getReminder2SentDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get the date when second reminder was sent.
getReminder3Date() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the date when the third reminder is scheduled to be sent.
getReminder3SentDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get the date when third reminder was sent.
getReminder4Date() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the date when the fourth reminder is scheduled to be sent.
getReminder4SentDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get the date when fourth reminder was sent.
getReminder5Date() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the date when the fifth reminder is scheduled to be sent.
getReminder5SentDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get the date when fifth reminder was sent.
getReminderCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the reminder count.
getReminderCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the reminder count (the number of times reminder is sent requesting participation).
getReminderMessage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the reminder message.
getReminderSubject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the reminder subject.
getReportHTML(long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IReport
Gets the report html for a survey
getReportId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewReportEvent
getReportId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ReportDeletedEvent
getReportId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the report that this export will use for settings.
getReportName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewReportEvent
getReportName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ReportDeletedEvent
getReportName(long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IReport
Gets the report name.
getResourceId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserPermissionEvent
Get the resource id associated with the new permission created.
getResources() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent
Gets the Resources object.
getResources() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewLiveRespondentEvent
Gets the resources object.
getResources() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyPageEvent
Gets the Resources object.
getResources() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotasReachedEvent
Gets the Resources object.
getResources() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyPageEvent
Deprecated. Gets the Resources object.
getResourceType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserPermissionEvent
Get the resource type of the resource associated with the new permission created.
getRespondentAttributesToIncludeInExport() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the names of the attributes to include in the export.
getRespondentCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentsExportedEvent
getRespondentForAdmin(long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Get a respondent by id.
getRespondentForSurvey(long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Get a respondent by id.
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AbandonedSurveyEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the AbandonedSurveyEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplayQuestionEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewLiveRespondentEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewRespondentEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyPageEvent
Returns the respondent id for this event.
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotasReachedEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentCompleteEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentDataFoundEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentDataFoundEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentStoreEvent
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ResponseEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveySaveEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the SurveySaveEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TransientRespondentCompleteEvent
Gets the respondentId attribute of the TransientRespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the respondent id.
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the respondent id
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the respondentId of the Response object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.DisplayQuestionEvent
Deprecated. Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewRespondentEvent
Deprecated. Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyPageEvent
Deprecated. Returns the respondent id for this event.
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.RespondentCompleteEvent
Deprecated. Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.RespondentDataFoundEvent
Deprecated. Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentDataFoundEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.ResponseEvent
Deprecated. Gets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
getRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveySaveEvent
Deprecated. Gets the respondentId attribute of the SurveySaveEvent object
getRespondentIds(User, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Get all respondent ids for this survey.
getResponse(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets a question response.
getResponseDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the response date (time stamp) for the response submission.
getResponseList(User, long, long, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets a list of response html, each item in the list contains a label/value pair where label is question text(with essay responses) and value is html for a question response.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Gets the number of matrix rows
getSave() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Gets the save value
getSaveAndBack() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the saveAndBack attribute
getSaveButtonImage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the image for the 'save'-button.
getSaveButtonText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the text on the 'save'-button
getSaveScreenContent() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent
Gets the survey save screen content, which will be presented to the respondent.
getSectionId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the section id
getSectionText(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the section text attribute positioned at index in sectionTextList
getSectionTextList() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the sectionTextList for the section
getSelectedValues() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseDropdown
Gets the selected values.
getSendDates() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get array of dates when invitation will be sent.
getSentDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the sent date (when the invitation was sent)
getSetupHTML() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Deprecated. from version 6.0 Use getSetupHTML(HashMap resources) NOTE that <form> element and pluginName hidden field must be removed.
getSetupHTML(HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Gets the HTML code for plugin setup screen.
getShowNA() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Gets the showNA attribute
getSimpleHTML(HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Returns the simple HTML setup to be placed in the question edit screen.
getSingleResponse(User, long, long, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Gets a string representation of a single response
getSize() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Gets the dropdown size.
getSortOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Gets the sortOn attribute (alphabetic sort)
getSortOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Gets the sortOn attribute.
getSource() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event
Returns the sender of this BusEvent.
getSource() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent
Deprecated. Returns the sender of this event.
getStartButtonImage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the image for the 'start'-button.
getStartButtonText() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the text on the 'start'-button
getStartDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey start date
getStatus() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
getStatus() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the status of the invitee.
getStopDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey stop date
getStoredRespondentCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the stored respondent count.
getStoreOPDataOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the storeOPDataOn attribute.
getStorePageResponseOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the storePageResponseOn.
getSubFolderCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets number of sub-folders in this folder.
getSubFolders() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets children, all folders in this group
getSurvey(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Gets the survey by id.
getSurvey(User, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Gets a survey by custom survey id.
getSurvey(User, long, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Get a survey, by survey id and language code.
getSurvey(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Gets the XML representation of a survey, by surveyId.
getSurveyBlockedMessage() - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ISurveyBlock
This method will be called if the survey has been blocked, and returns a customized message to show to the respondents.
getSurveyCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets number of surveys in this folder.
getSurveyDTD() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Gets the internal Survey DTD to be included in the XML file when exporting a survey.
getSurveyHeading() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey heading
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.BranchDeletedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ImportedSurveyEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationSentManuallyEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationTaskCompletedEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LoadSurveyEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the LoadSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewBranchEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewQuestionEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewReportEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSignupSurveyEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewTranslatedSurveyEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PollImpressionEvent
Get survey (poll) id
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteRespondentsEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteSignupSurveyEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInvitationTaskEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the PreSurveyDeleteEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionDeletedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionMovedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionUpdatedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ReportDeletedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentDeletedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentReopenedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentsExportedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyUpdatedEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyDeletedEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
Gets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyUpdatedEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Get the current set surveyId
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Get survey id the invitation belongs to
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Gets the survey id
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the survey id
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey Id.
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewSurveyEvent
Deprecated. Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
Deprecated. Gets the surveyId attribute of the PreSurveyDeleteEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveyDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Gets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
getSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveyEvent
Deprecated. Gets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyEvent object
getSurveyIntro() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey introduction.
getSurveyLanguages() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Returns a list of the languages the survey supports.
getSurveyName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LoadSurveyEvent
getSurveyName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
getSurveyName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
getSurveyName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent
getSurveyName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
getSurveyName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey name
getSurveyPageByQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deprecated. This method is deprecated. Use getSurveySectionByQuestionNo() instead.
getSurveyPageCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deprecated. This method is deprecated. Use getSurveySectionCount() instead.
getSurveyPageCustomAttribute(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deprecated. This method is deprecated. Use SurveySection.getCustomAttribute() instead, after getting the SurveySection from Survey.
getSurveyPageFirstQuestion(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deprecated. This method is deprecated. Use SurveySection.getFromQuestion() instead, after getting the SurveySection from Survey.
getSurveyPageLastQuestion(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deprecated. This method is deprecated. Use SurveySection.getToQuestion() instead, after getting the SurveySection from Survey.
getSurveyPreviewKey(long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Get preview key for the survey
getSurveyReturnMessage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveySaveEvent
Gets the survey return message, which will be emailed to the respondent.
getSurveyReturnMessage() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveySaveEvent
Deprecated. Gets the survey return message, which will be emailed to the respondent.
getSurveys() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets all surveys in this group
getSurveysCreatedCount(long, long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Gets the number of surveys created by a user from a specified fromDate to a specified toDate
getSurveysCreatedCount(long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Gets the number of surveys created by a user from a specified fromDate to now
getSurveySection(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets a survey section object with the specified section id
getSurveySectionByQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets a survey section number, by question number.
getSurveySectionCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the number of survey sections in this survey.
getSurveySections() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets all survey sections in the survey
getSurveySystemVersion() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Return the version of the survey system.
getSurveyUrl(HttpServletRequest, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Gets the url to the survey module (where respondent answer the survey).
getSurveyXMLHeader(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Gets the XML header for an XML file containing a survey.
getSystemHome() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get system home: location of the opinio files.
getSystemUrl(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get system url: Usually looks like http://server-address/opinio
getSystemUser() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get system user.
getTaskId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationTaskCompletedEvent
getTaskId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInvitationTaskEvent
getTaskStatus() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Gets the invitation task status.
getTemplateName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the template name.
getTextAfter() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the textAfter attribute of the Question.
getTextBefore() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the text-before attribute of the question.
getThankYouNote() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the custom thank-you note for current respondent.
getThankYouNote() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the thank you-note.
getTicket() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the ticket value
getTitle() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the section title
getTitleBgColor() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the titleBgColor value
getTitleColor() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey title color.
getTitleColor() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the titleColor value
getTitleFont() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey title.
getTitleFont() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the titleFont value
getTitleFontSize() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the survey title font size in pixels.
getTitleSize() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the titleSize value
getToCompletedDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the completed date that the export will end with (inclusive).
getToQuestion() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the to question
getToRespondentId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the respondent id that the export will stop at (inclusive), if specified.
getToStartDate() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the start date that the export will end with (inclusive).
getTrashedSurveyId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
getUpdatedUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserUpdateEvent
Get the id of the updated user
getUpdatedUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserUpdatedEvent
Deprecated. Get the id of the updated user
getUpdatedUserLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserUpdateEvent
getUpdatedUserLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserUpdatedEvent
getUploadType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the upload type, currently supported: UPLOAD_NONE and UPLOAD_IMAGE
getURLParams() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
URL parameters from the request.
getUser() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Gets the user object
getUser(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Gets the user by id.
getUser(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Gets the user by login name.
getUser(String, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Gets the user by login name.
getUserData(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Gets the user data at a specified index.
getUserFromSession(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Get the user object from session.
getUserGroupId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserGroup
Returns the user group id
getUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AdminEvent
Gets the userId of the user who performed this action.
getUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeletePanelistsEvent
getUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
getUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteInvitationEvent
getUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteRespondentsEvent
getUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the user id
getUserId() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.AdminEvent
Deprecated. Gets the userId
getUserId(String, String) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ILogin
Gets id of the user to login to the system.
getUserList(User) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Gets all users current user has access to, sorted alphabetic The ArrayList contains ListItems with the UserId and Login values.
getUserLogin() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLoginEvent
getUserName() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Gets the user name
getValidationType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Gets the validation type.
getValidatorErrorMessage(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets error message for validator.
getValidatorErrorMessage(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. getValidatorErrorMessage(int, String)
getValidatorErrorMessage(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets error message for in-text element validator.
getValidatorErrorMessage(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets error message for matrix cell validator.
getValidatorParameter(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the validator parameter.
getValidatorParameter(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use getValidatorParameter(int type, String intextTagId)
getValidatorParameter(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the in-text element validator parameter.
getValidatorParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the matrix cell validator parameter.
getValue(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseNumeric
Gets the answer to the numeric question.
getValue() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseRating
Gets the answer to the rating question.
getWeight() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the weight of this question
getXMLVersionHeader(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Gets the XML header for XML file where DTD is included.
getZipFile() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Gets the zip file name/path that the export will be written to.
getZipFile() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginJARClassLoader
Returns the ZIP file associated with this class loader.
grandFolderPermission(User, long, long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Grand folder permission to a user.
grandSurveyPermission(User, long, long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Grand survey permission to a user.
grantAddQuestionLibraryPermission(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Grant permission to create question libraries to a user
grantUserGroupAdminPermission(User, long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Grant user group admin permission to a user


handleEvent(Event) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.event.IEventListener
Handles an event sent on the Bus.
handleEvent(PluginBusEvent) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.IPBComponent
Deprecated. Handles an event sent on the PluginBus.
handleEvent(Event) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusAdmin
Deprecated. Listens to internal events, and passes them on to listeners (plugins).
handleEvent(Event) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusSurvey
Deprecated. Listens to internal events, and passes them on to listeners (plugins).
hasBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Check if this question has reference to the business Survey object.
hasBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Deprecated. The Invitation class has no longer reference to the business object. All data is cached in this class
hasBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Check if this question has reference to the business Question object.
hasBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Check if this question has reference to the business Respondent object.
hasBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Check if this question has reference to the business Response object.
hasBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Check if this question has reference to the business Survey object.
hasFeatureAccess(User, int) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IUserFeatureAccess
Returns true if the user has access to the spesific feature
hasFolderPermission(User, long, long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Return true is user with id userId has the specified folder permission.
hasFunctionAccess(long, int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Checks if user with userId has access to the plugin function number functionNo.
hasRespondents() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Check if the survey has respondents.
hasSurveyPermission(User, long, long, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Return true is user with id userId has the specified survey permission.
HTML - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Constants
htmlEncode(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
HTML Encodes a string.
HtmlUtils - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
HTML utility class for the plugins.
HtmlUtils() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils


ICreateReportLimit - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for create report limit check.
ICreateSurveyLimit - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for create survey limit check.
ICreateUserLimit - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for create user limit check.
ID_PLACE_HOLDER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
IEventListener - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.event
A component on the event Bus.
IFileTypeDetector - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for file type detection
ILogin - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for the login functionality.

A class that implements this interface will be called instead of default login to the admin screens.
ILoginRedirect - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for redirecting a user after login.

If a plugin has implemented the ILogin interface, Opinio will check if the plugin implements this interface.
ImportedSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a Survey is imported.
ImportedSurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ImportedSurveyEvent
Creates a new event.
info(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
log statements with level <= info.
initPlugins() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Loads plugins.
insertColumn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
This method insert a column before a particular column.
insertDropdownQuestion(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Inserts a question of type Question.QUESTION_DROPDOWN at the questionNo position.
insertMatrixQuestion(int, String, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Inserts a question of type Question.QUESTION_MATRIX at the questionNo position.
insertMultipleQuestion(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Inserts a question of type Question.QUESTION_MULTIPLE at the questionNo position.
insertNumericQuestion(int, String, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Inserts a question of type Question.QUESTION_NUMERIC at the questionNo position.
insertQuestion(User, long, int, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Creates a Question object from an XML string, and inserts it in a survey.
insertQuestionNoType(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Inserts a question of type Question.QUESTION_NO_TYPE at the questionNo position.
insertRatingQuestion(int, String, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Inserts a question of type Question.QUESTION_RATING at the questionNo position.
insertRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
This method inserts an empty row before a particular row.
instance() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Returns or creates the singleton instance of the search engine manager class
instance() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusSurvey
INTEGER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Numeric type integer is allowed for response input (default)
INTEXT_DROPDOWN_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_DROPDOWN is required.
INTEXT_NUMERIC_IS_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_NUMERIC_INT or INTEXT_NUMERIC_DEC is number.
INTEXT_NUMERIC_MAXIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_NUMERIC_INT or INTEXT_NUMERIC_DEC is less than specified value.
INTEXT_NUMERIC_MINIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_NUMERIC_INT or INTEXT_NUMERIC_DEC is bigger than specified value.
INTEXT_NUMERIC_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_NUMERIC_INT or INTEXT_NUMERIC_DEC is required.
INTEXT_TEXT_DATE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_TEXT is date.
INTEXT_TEXT_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_TEXT is email.
INTEXT_TEXT_MAXIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Maximum text length for response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_TEXT.
INTEXT_TEXT_MINIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Minimum text length for response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_TEXT.
INTEXT_TEXT_MUST_CONTAIN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_TEXT must contain specified text.
INTEXT_TEXT_REGEXP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_TEXT must match specified regular expression.
INTEXT_TEXT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to in-text element of type Question.INTEXT_TEXT is required.
INTEXT_TYPE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
In-text element of type checkbox
INTEXT_TYPE_DROPDOWN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
In-text element of type dropdown
INTEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_DEC - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
In-text element of type numeric decimal
INTEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_INT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
In-text element of type numeric integer
INTEXT_TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
In-text element of type text
INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Invitee status: email address is invalid
InvalidContentException - Exception in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Exception to throw when the content is invalid
InvalidContentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InvalidContentException
InvalidContentException() - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InvalidContentException
Default constructor
InvalidContentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InvalidContentException
Constructor which takes a describing string as parameter
Invitation - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Class represents a survey invitation.
Invitations are used to invite people to participate in a survey.
Invitation(String, User) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Constructor for the Invitation object
INVITATION_PENDING - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Invitee status: invitation is pending
INVITATION_SEND_ERROR - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Invitee status: error occurred while sending invitation
INVITATION_SENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Invitee status: the invitation has been sent
InvitationSentManuallyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when an invitation is sent manually.
InvitationSentManuallyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationSentManuallyEvent
Creates a new event.
InvitationTaskCompletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired an invitation task is completed.
InvitationTaskCompletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationTaskCompletedEvent
Creates a new event.
Invitee - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Class represents an invitee (person who receives an invitation to a survey).
InviteeImportEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when invitee import thread has change it's status.
InviteeImportEvent(long, long, IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
Creates a new event.
InviteeList - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents a reusable invitee list.
InviteeList() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Constructs an empty InviteeList.
InviteeList(String) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Constructor for the InviteeList object
IPageActionFolder - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu
Interface for plugins that will be included to the folder content action menu.
IPageActionInvitation - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu
Interface for plugins that will be included to the invitation action menu.
IPageActionSetup - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu
Interface for plugins that will be included to the setup action menu.
IPageActionSetup() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu.IPageActionSetup
IPageActionSurvey - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu
Interface for plugins that will be included to the survey admin action menu.
IPageActionUser - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.menu
Interface for plugins that will be included to the user action menu.
IPBComponent - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
IPluginRequiredValidator - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Used to validate if questions are required or not.
IPluginValidator - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface that makes it possible to implement a custom validator.
IReplaceQuestionText - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
IReport - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for plugin report.
IReportElement - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for a report element type.
Each report element contains report data for one or more questions and several report types.
isCSS(String) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IFileTypeDetector
Returns true if file with the passed content type is a css file
isDebugEnabled() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Return true if debug is enabled.
isError() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.ProcessResult
Returns true is result of the process is an error.
isFilteredOut(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Check if question is filtered out by condition branching.
isFreeTextOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Gets the freeTextOn attribute of the question
isHtml(String) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IFileTypeDetector
Returns true if file with the passed content type is a html file
isImage(String) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IFileTypeDetector
Returns true if file with the passed content type is a image file
isInitialStore() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentStoreEvent
True if respondent didn't exist in the database before
isIntroSection() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySection
Gets the introSection value, true if section is intro section
isInviteeEmailIncluded() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Get the flag to indicate if invitee email is to be included in the export.
isInviteeIdIncluded() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Get the flag to indicate if invitee id is to be included in the export.
isInviteeNameIncluded() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Get the flag to indicate if invitee name is to be included in the export.
isLocal() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotaValueUpdatedEvent
Indicates if the event originated locally or remotely
isLocked() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Check if the survey is locked.
isLocked(long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ISurveyLock
This method will be called for all implementors of the interface, and will decide if the survey is locked by any of them.
isLockedByAnotherUser(long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Check if survey is locked by another user.
isLoginVisible() - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ILogin
True if login screen is visible to the user.
isMaxReportsPerSurveyReached(long, long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ICreateReportLimit
Checks if maximum allowed reports per survey is reached.
isMaxSurveysReached(long, long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ICreateSurveyLimit
Checks if maximum allowed surveys is reached.
isMaxUsersReached(long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ICreateUserLimit
Checks if maximum allowed users is reached.
isMultipartFunctionData(int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Should function be processed as "multipart/form-data"? Overwrite and return true for functions that need form content type "multipart/form-data".
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Returns true if string is null or empty
isPanelSignupSurvey() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
isPersisted() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Returns true if respondent is persisted (some of the respondent information/responses are saved in the storage).
isPersisted() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Gets the isPersisted attribute of the Response object
isPoll() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Trus if survey is of type poll
isQuestionLibrary() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
isQuestionLibrary() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
isRespondentAttributesIncluded() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Get the flag that indicates respondent attributes are to be included in the export.
isSuperUser(User) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Check if the user is super user
isSurveyBlocked(long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ISurveyBlock
This method will be called before new respondents object is created and will determine if the survey is blocked or not.
isUniqueLogin(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Check if login name is unique
isUnix() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Returns true current OS is Unix or Unix-like (For example Linux).
ISurveyBlock - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface that makes it possible for a plugin to block a survey from respondents.
ISurveyDefaultValuesProvider - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface that makes it possible for a plugin to set default values on a survey.
ISurveyLock - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface that makes it possible for a plugin to lock a survey.
ISurveyLogin - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces
Interface for the survey login functionality.

A class that implements this interface will be called if the login for this plugin is enabled in the survey.
isValid() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Checks if response to the question is valid.
isValid(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Checks if response to the in-text element is valid.
isValid(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Checks if response to the matrix cell is valid.
isValidatorOn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Check if validator is on.
isValidatorOn(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. use isValidatorOn(int type, String intextTagId)
isValidatorOn(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Check if in-text element validator is on.
isValidatorOn(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Check if matrix cell validator is on.
isVetoed() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event
Returns if this BusEvent has been vetoed by another bus component.
isVetoed() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent
Deprecated. Returns if this event has been vetoed by another bus component.
isWindows() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Returns true current OS is Windows
isZip(String) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IFileTypeDetector
Returns true if file with the passed content type is a zip file
IUserFeatureAccess - Interface in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces


keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Deprecated. This method has no longer any effect on performance. The Invitation class has no longer reference to the business object. All data is cached in this class
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseDropdown
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseNumeric
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseRating
Get and keep business object.
keepBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Get and keep business object.
KEY_PLACE_HOLDER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation


LAYOUT_BUTTON_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Button is placed under the text/image
LAYOUT_BUTTON_LEFT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Button is placed to the left of the text/image
LAYOUT_BUTTON_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Button is placed to the right of the text/image
LAYOUT_BUTTON_TOP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Button is placed over the text/image
LAYOUT_IMAGE_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Image is placed under the text
LAYOUT_IMAGE_LEFT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Image is placed to the left of the text
LAYOUT_IMAGE_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Image is placed to the tight of the text
LAYOUT_IMAGE_TOP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Option layout: Image is placed over the text
LicensesSavedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when licenses is saved by a user.
LicensesSavedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LicensesSavedEvent
Creates a new SystemInfoSavedEvent.
ListenerArrayList - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
A wrapper for ArrayList that provides synchronized access, with high performance toArray().
ListenerArrayList() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Creates an empty SynchronizedArrayList, with default capacity as in java.util.ArrayList
ListenerList - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event
This class represents a list of event listeners, or a list of event listener lists.
ListItem - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents a list item.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginJARClassLoader
LoadSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a survey is loaded from the database
LoadSurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LoadSurveyEvent
Creates a new event.
LockException - Exception in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Exception to throw when the survey is locked by another user and can not be edited.
LockException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.LockException
Default constructor
LockException() - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.LockException
Default constructor
LockException(String) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.LockException
Constructor which takes a describing string as parameter
log(String, int) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Deprecated. This log method is no longer used. Will not log to any file! Use log.debug(), log.info(), log.warn(), log.error(), log.fatal() instead.
log(Throwable) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Deprecated. This log method is no longer used. Will not log to any file! Use log.debug(), log.info(), log.warn(), log.error(), log.fatal() instead.
LOGGING_LEVEL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Loggs only errors.
LOGGING_LEVEL_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Loggs all messages, warnings and errors
LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Loggs all warnings and errors
logOutUser(long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Logs out user (if online) with the specified user id


MATRIX_CELL_DROPDOWN_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_DROPDOWN is required.
MATRIX_CELL_NUMERIC_IS_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_NUMERIC_INT/CELL_NUMERIC_DEC is number.
MATRIX_CELL_NUMERIC_MAXIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_NUMERIC_INT/CELL_NUMERIC_DEC is less than specified value.
MATRIX_CELL_NUMERIC_MINIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_NUMERIC_INT/CELL_NUMERIC_DEC is bigger than specified value.
MATRIX_CELL_NUMERIC_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_NUMERIC_INT/CELL_NUMERIC_DEC is required.
MATRIX_CELL_TEXT_DATE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_TEXT is date.
MATRIX_CELL_TEXT_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_TEXT is email.
MATRIX_CELL_TEXT_MAXIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Maximum text length for response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_TEXT.
MATRIX_CELL_TEXT_MINIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Minimum text length for response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_TEXT.
MATRIX_CELL_TEXT_MUST_CONTAIN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_TEXT must contain specified text.
MATRIX_CELL_TEXT_REGEXP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_TEXT must match specified regular expression.
MATRIX_CELL_TEXT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to matrix cell of type QuestionMatrix.CELL_TEXT is required.
moveQuestion(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Moves a question from one question number to another.
MULTIPLE_QUESTION_MAXIMUM_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Maximum selections in response to multiple question.
MULTIPLE_QUESTION_MINIMUM_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Minimum selections in response to multiple question.
MULTIPLE_SUBMISSIONS_CHECK_EVERY_PAGE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Check multiple submissions on every survey page.
MULTIPLE_SUBMISSIONS_CHECK_START_STOP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Check multiple submissions on survey start and completion


NewBranchEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new branch is created.
NewBranchEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewBranchEvent
Creates a new event.
NewLiveRespondentEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new live respondent is created.
NewLiveRespondentEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewLiveRespondentEvent
Creates a new event.
NewPanelistEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired after a new panelist is in the db and email is verified.
NewPanelistEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewPanelistEvent
Creates a new event.
NewQuestionEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new question is created.
NewQuestionEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewQuestionEvent
Creates a new event.
NewReportEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new report is created.
NewReportEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewReportEvent
Creates a new event.
NewRespondentEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new respondent is created.
NewRespondentEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewRespondentEvent
Creates a new event.
NewRespondentEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
NewRespondentEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewRespondentEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
NewSignupSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new sing-up survey for panel is created.
NewSignupSurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSignupSurveyEvent
Creates a new event.
NewSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new Survey is created.
NewSurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
Creates a new event.
NewSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
NewSurveyEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewSurveyEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
NewSurveyFolderEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new Folder is created.
NewSurveyFolderEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyFolderEvent
Creates a new event.
NewTranslatedSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a translation is deleted
NewTranslatedSurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewTranslatedSurveyEvent
Creates a new event.
NewUserEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new response is created, after the response has been responded to and the object has been populated.
NewUserEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserEvent
Creates a new user event.
NewUserEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
NewUserEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewUserEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
NewUserPermissionEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
NewUserPermissionEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserPermissionEvent
NUMERIC_QUESTION_IS_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to numeric question is number.
NUMERIC_QUESTION_MAXIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to numeric question is less than specified value.
NUMERIC_QUESTION_MINIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to numeric question is bigger than specified value.
NUMERIC_QUESTION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to numeric question is required.


PANELIST_ID_PLACE_HOLDER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
PanelistDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired after a new panelist is in the db and email is verified.
PanelistDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a panelist history item has been saved
PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent
Creates a new event.
PanelistInvitedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a panelist is invited to a survey
PanelistInvitedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
Creates a new event.
PanelistManager - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Encapsulates panelist functionality.
PanelistManager() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PanelistManager
PanelistUpdatedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired after a panelist is updated in the db.
PanelistUpdatedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistUpdatedEvent
Creates a new event.
PARAM_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Parameter name: plugin class name
PARAM_FUNCTION_NO - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Parameter name: function number
PARAM_ORIGINAL_QUERY_STRING - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Parameter name: original query string, used internal in Opinio to produce the correct default plugin url.
PARAM_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
File name of the first file to upload
PARAM_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_1 - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
File name of the first file to upload
PARAM_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_2 - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
File name of the second file to upload
PARAM_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_3 - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
File name of the third file to upload
PARAM_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_4 - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
File name of the fourth file to upload
PARAM_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_BASE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Name base for files to upload.
paramString() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event
Returns a string representation of this BusEvent's parameters.
paramString() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent
Deprecated. Returns a string representation of this event's parameters.
ParsingException - Exception in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Exception to throw if an error occurs while parsing a text
ParsingException() - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ParsingException
Default constructor
ParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ParsingException
Constructor which takes a describing string as parameter
PERMISSION_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: admin.
PERMISSION_FOLDER_ADD_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: add new folder to an existing folder
PERMISSION_FOLDER_ADD_SURVEY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: add new survey to an existing folder
PERMISSION_MODIFY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: modify survey/folder
PERMISSION_READ - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: read survey/folder
PERMISSION_SURVEY_CREATE_REPORT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: create survey reports
PERMISSION_SURVEY_DELETE_RESPONDENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: delete survey respondents
PERMISSION_SURVEY_INVITATION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: create survey invitations
PERMISSION_SURVEY_VIEW_RESPONDENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Permission type: view survey respondents
PIPING_TAG_START - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingUtils
Start of the piping element tag
PIPING_TAG_STOP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingUtils
End of the piping element tag
PipingSource - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Data needed to replace piping tag in the survey/question texts with correct values.
PipingSource(long, long, Map, long) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
Create PipingSource object
PipingUtils - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
PipingUtils() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingUtils
Plugin - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
Plugin is an abstract class that all plugins must implement.
Plugin() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Plugin.Broken - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
A placeholder for a plugin that didn't load.
Plugin.JAR - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
A JAR file.
Plugin.JAR(String, PluginJARClassLoader) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin.JAR
Constructor for the JAR object
PluginBus - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
PluginBus() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBus
Deprecated. Constructor for the PluginBus object
PluginBusAdmin - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
PluginBusAdmin() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusAdmin
PluginBusEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
PluginBusEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
PluginBusEvent.NonVetoable - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
Deprecated. An event implementation that cannot be vetoed.
PluginBusEvent.NonVetoable(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent.NonVetoable
Deprecated. Creates a new non-vetoable event.
PluginBusSurvey - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
Deprecated. @see com.objectplanet.survey.event package.
PluginBusSurvey() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusSurvey
Deprecated. Constructs an instance of the PluginBusSurvey.
PluginConstants - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
Constants for plugins
PluginConstants() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
PluginJARClassLoader - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
A class loader implementation that loads classes from JAR files.
PluginJARClassLoader() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginJARClassLoader
This constructor creates a class loader for loading classes from all plugins in one single Jar file.
PluginJARClassLoader(String) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginJARClassLoader
Constructor for the PluginJARClassLoader object
PluginManager - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
This plugin manages the plugins available to opinio.
PluginManager() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
pluginsByInterface - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
HashMap of all ArrayLists of plugins with interface name as key
PluginUtil - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Utility class for the plugins.
PluginUtil() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
PollImpressionEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a poll is displayed
PollImpressionEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PollImpressionEvent
Creates a new event.
PostDeletePanelistsEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
PostDeletePanelistsEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeletePanelistsEvent
Creates a new event.
PostDeleteRespondentsEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired right after survey respondents are deleted.
PostDeleteRespondentsEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
Creates a new event.
PreDeleteInvitationEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Fired just before delete invitation event
PreDeleteInvitationEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteInvitationEvent
Creates a new event.
PreDeleteRespondentsEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired just before survey respondents are deleted.
PreDeleteRespondentsEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteRespondentsEvent
Creates a new event.
PreDeleteSignupSurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
PreDeleteSignupSurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteSignupSurveyEvent
Creates a new event.
PreInvitationTaskEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired before an invitation task is started.
PreInvitationTaskEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInvitationTaskEvent
Creates a new event.
PreInviteeDeleteAllEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Fired when all invitees in the invitation is about to be deleted
PreInviteeDeleteAllEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteAllEvent
Creates a new event.
PreInviteeDeleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Fired when one invitee is about to be deleted
PreInviteeDeleteEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteEvent
Creates a new event.
PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired before "custom" invitation messages are sent manually.
PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent
Creates a new event.
PreSurveyDeleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired just before a Survey is deleted.
PreSurveyDeleteEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
Creates a new event.
PreSurveyDeleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
PreSurveyDeleteEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired just before a Survey is deleted.
PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent
Creates a new event.
PreSurveyPageEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired before a survey page is displayed/accessed.
PreSurveyPageEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyPageEvent
Creates a new event.
PreSurveyPageEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
PreSurveyPageEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyPageEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
PreUserDeleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired just before a user is deleted.
PreUserDeleteEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreUserDeleteEvent
Creates a new event.
PreUserDeleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
PreUserDeleteEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreUserDeleteEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
PREVENT_METHOD_COOKIES - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Use cookies to prevent multiple submissions
PREVENT_METHOD_COUNT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Number of prevent methods
PREVENT_METHOD_INVITATION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Use invitee id check to prevent multiple submissions (only one response per invitee)
PREVENT_METHOD_IP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Use IP-address check to prevent multiple submissions
processFunctionHTML(int, HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Method for processing the plugin function html.
processPiping(PipingSource, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingUtils
Process piping string: replace piping tags with piping value
ProcessResult - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin
This class represents result of plugin function and setup process.
ProcessResult(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.ProcessResult
Constract ProcessResult
processSetup(Map) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Deprecated. from version 6.0 Use processSetupHTML(HashMap resources)
processSetupHTML(HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Method for processing the plugin setup html.
PROGRESS_BAR_COUNT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Progress bar with question count label
PROGRESS_BAR_NO_LABEL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Progress bar without label
PROGRESS_BAR_PERCENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Progress bar with percent completed label
PROPERTIES_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Plugin properties prefix (all properties in the property file start with "plugin"
PROPERTY_BUILD - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Constant for plugin property: plugin build (property plugin.#PluginClassName#.build from the property file)
PROPERTY_DOCS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Constant for plugin property: plugin docs (property plugin.#PluginClassName#.docs from the property file)
PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Constant for plugin property: plugin name (property plugin.#PluginClassName#.name from the property file)
PROPRETY_AUTHOR - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Constant for plugin property: plugin author (property plugin.#PluginClassName#.author from the property file)
PROPRETY_VERSION - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Constant for plugin property: plugin version (property plugin.#PluginClassName#.version from the property file)


Question - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Question.
QUESTION_DROPDOWN - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Dropdown question type
QUESTION_MATRIX - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Matrix question type
QUESTION_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Multiple choice question type
QUESTION_NO_TYPE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
No question type (in-text elements or free text is usually used for input)
QUESTION_NUMERIC - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Numeric question type
QUESTION_RATING - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Rating question type
QuestionDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new question is deleted.
QuestionDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
QuestionDropdown - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents a dropdown question.
QuestionMatrix - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents a matrix question.
QuestionMovedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a question is moved from one place in the survey to another.
QuestionMovedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionMovedEvent
Creates a new event.
QuestionMultiple - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents a multiple choice question.
QuestionNumeric - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents a numeric question.
QuestionRating - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class represents a rating question.
QuestionUpdatedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a question is updated.
QuestionUpdatedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionUpdatedEvent
Creates a new event.
QuotasReachedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a respondent is prevented from continuing the survey because one or more quotas are reached.
QuotasReachedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotasReachedEvent
Creates a new event.
QuotaValueUpdatedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Event sent when a quota value has been updated.
QuotaValueUpdatedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotaValueUpdatedEvent
Creates a new event.


RATING_QUESTION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ValidatorType
Response to rating question is required.
REDIRECT_AFTER_LASTPAGE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Redirect after the last survey page
REDIRECT_AFTER_THANKYOUNOTE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Redirect after the 'thank you note'
REDIRECT_NONE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Redirect is turned off (no address is entered)
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Folder
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Deprecated. the Invitation class has no longer reference to the business object. All data is cached in this class
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseDropdown
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseNumeric
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseRating
Release business object.
releaseBusinessObject() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Release business object.
releaseLock() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Release lock on survey.
releaseLock(long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Releases a lock on a survey.
REMINDER_ERROR - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Invitee status: error occurred while sending reminder
REMINDER_SENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitee
Invitee status: reminder has been sent
remove(Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Removes an item from the list
removeCellValue(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Remove cell value
removeFromBus(IPBComponent) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBus
Deprecated. Removes a component from the bus.
removeFromBus(IPBComponent) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusAdmin
Deprecated. Removes a component from the bus.
removeFromBus(IPBComponent, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusSurvey
removeHTMLTags(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.HtmlUtils
Returns a string without HTML tags in it.
removeListener(IEventListener) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Removes a listener from the bus.
removeListener(IEventListener, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Removes a listener from the bus, that listens to events on a specific bus.
removeListener(IEventListener, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Removes a listener from the bus, that listens to events on a specific bus.
removeListener(IEventListener, int, int, long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Removes a listener from the bus, that listens to events on a specific bus.
removeOption(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Removes one option
removeOptions() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Removes all options.
removePanelistFromCache(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PanelistManager
Removes a panelist from the cache.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Method for removing a plugin property value in the database.
removeSurveyFromCache(long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
This method will remove the survey from cache if survey has been loaded and cached in the system.
REOPEN_PLACE_HOLDER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
replaceQuestionText(String, long, long, int, long) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IReplaceQuestionText
ReportDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a report is deleted.
ReportDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ReportDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
RESOURCE_HTTP_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Key for the resource of type HttpRequest in the resource map
RESOURCE_HTTP_RESPONCE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
RESOURCE_HTTP_RESPONSE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Key for the resource of type HttpResponse in the resource map
RESOURCE_UPLOAD_FILE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
If only a single upload file is needed, you can use this (in conjunction with the form file input element name plugin_uploadFile.
RESOURCE_UPLOAD_FILES - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Key for the resource of type upload files in the resource map.
ResourceManager - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Encapsulates functionality to manage reusable resources.
ResourceManager() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResourceManager
Respondent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Respondent.
RespondentCompleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a respondent completes a survey.
RespondentCompleteEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentCompleteEvent
Creates a new event.
RespondentCompleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
RespondentCompleteEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.RespondentCompleteEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
RespondentDataFoundEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired URL data is found to be associated with a respondent.
RespondentDataFoundEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentDataFoundEvent
Creates a new event.
RespondentDataFoundEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
RespondentDataFoundEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.RespondentDataFoundEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
RespondentDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is sent after a single respondent has been deleted.
RespondentDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
RespondentReopenedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is sent after a single respondent has been deleted.
RespondentReopenedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentReopenedEvent
Creates a new event.
RespondentsExistException - Exception in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Exception to throw if there are some respondents for a survey.
RespondentsExistException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentsExistException
Default constructor
RespondentsExistException() - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentsExistException
Default constructor
RespondentsExistException(String) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentsExistException
Constructor which takes a describing string as parameter
RespondentsExportedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
RespondentsExportedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentsExportedEvent
Creates a new event.
RespondentStoreEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired after a respondent has been partly or fully stored
RespondentStoreEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentStoreEvent
Creates a new event.
RespondentUtils - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
RespondentUtils() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentUtils
Response - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Response.
RESPONSE_EMPTY_RATE_0_PERCENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentUtils
RESPONSE_EMPTY_RATE_100_PERCENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentUtils
RESPONSE_EMPTY_RATE_25_PERCENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentUtils
RESPONSE_EMPTY_RATE_50_PERCENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.RespondentUtils
ResponseDropdown - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Represents a response to the dropdown question.
ResponseEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new response is created, after the response has been responded to and the object has been populated.
ResponseEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ResponseEvent
Creates a new event.
ResponseEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
ResponseEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.ResponseEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
ResponseMatrix - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Represents a response to the matrix question.
ResponseMultiple - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Represents a response to the multiple choice question.
ResponseNumeric - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Represents a response to the numeric question.
ResponseRating - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Represents a response to the rating question.


send(Event) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Special/internal use only.
send(Event, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Special/internal use only.
send(Event, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Sends an event of a specified type on a specific event bus.
send(Event, int, int, long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusManager
Sends an event (of specified type) on a specific event bus, for a specific resource (a survey, for example).
send(PluginBusEvent) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBus
send(PluginBusEvent) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusAdmin
Deprecated. Sends an event to all components on the bus.
send(PluginBusEvent, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginBusSurvey
sendEmail(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Send email.
sendEmail(Email) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Send email.
sendEvent(Event, ListenerList) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventUtils
Sends an event to all listeners in a ListenerList
sendEvent(Event, IEventListener[]) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventUtils
Sends an event to all listeners in an array of listeners
sendToSource(Event) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventUtils
Sends the event to the source of the event.
SequenceManager - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Encapsulates functionality to manage sequences in the database
SequenceManager() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SequenceManager
SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_USER_ID - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginConstants
Constant for session attribute User id.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Set an element in the list at the specified index.
setAccessType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserPermissionEvent
Set the access type of the permission just added.
setAnswerRotation(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
The answer rotation attribute.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Sets an attribute of the respondent object.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets an attribute of the Survey object
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets an attribute of the User object
setAuthenticationType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the authentication type for the survey.
setBackButtonImage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the back button image
setBackButtonOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the back button on/off
setBackButtonText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the back button text
setBgColor(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey background color.
setBgImage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey background image
setBlocked(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Set this attribute to block the respondent from continue the survey.
setBranchId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.BranchDeletedEvent
setBranchId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewBranchEvent
setBranchName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.BranchDeletedEvent
setBranchName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewBranchEvent
setCallBackObj(CallBack) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets a callback that, if specified, will be called on completion of the export.
setCellBackgroundColor(int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the background color of the cell.
setCellCheckboxType(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type checkbox.
setCellDecimalType(int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type numeric double.
setCellDropdownType(int, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type numeric double.
setCellEmpty(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the empty cell.
setCellGroupBackgroundColor(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the background color for the cellgroup
setCellGroupHeading(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the heading of the cellgroup.
setCellGroupName(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the new cellgroup name.
setCellGroupType(String, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cellgroup type.
setCellImageType(int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type image.
setCellIntegerType(int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type numeric integer.
setCellLabelType(int, int, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type label (only text, not input of type text).
setCellRadioType(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type radio button.
setCellTextType(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the cell of type text.
setCellValue(int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMatrix
Sets response to the matrix cell.
setChangeValue(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotaValueUpdatedEvent
Sets the change value.
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Sets the number of columns
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the number of columns in survey (up to 3)
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the content type for the message.
setCreationType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LoadSurveyEvent
Sets the creation type attribute.
setCreationType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
Sets the creation type attribute.
setCSS_URL(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deprecated. This log method is no longer used. Use setMainCSS() instead.
setCurrentResponse(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Sets the current response.
setCustomId(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the custom survey id.
setDefaultFolderId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets the default folder id
setDefaultValues(Survey) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ISurveyDefaultValuesProvider
This method will be called for all implementors of the interface.
setDeletedUserEmail(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Sets the deleted user email
setDeletedUserEmail(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Sets the deleted user email
setDeletedUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreUserDeleteEvent
Sets the deleted user id
setDeletedUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Sets the deleted user id
setDeletedUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreUserDeleteEvent
Deprecated. Sets the deleted user id
setDeletedUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Sets the deleted user id
setDeletedUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Sets the deleted user login
setDeletedUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Sets the deleted user login
setDeletedUserMemo(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Sets the deleted user memo
setDeletedUserMemo(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Sets the deleted user memo
setDeletedUserName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Sets the deleted user name
setDeletedUserName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Sets the deleted user name
setDeletionType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeletePanelistsEvent
setDeletionType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
One of the constants defined in Constants
setDeletionType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteRespondentsEvent
One of the constants defined in Constants
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserGroup
Sets the user group description
setDislpayQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the dislpayQuestionNo attribute.
setDisplayNo(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
The display number is specified by survey creator/admin.
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets the email
setEmailType(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Set the id of the email if failed
setErrorDetail(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UpgradeFailedEvent
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UpgradeFailedEvent
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Deprecated. from version 6.0 The ProcessResult object is used instead of error message.
setEssayResponse(int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Deprecated. use setIntextResponse(int intextIndex, int intextType, String answer)
setFailedId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Set the id of the email if failed
setFieldSize(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Sets the input field size.
setFinishButtonImage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the image to use instead of 'finish'-button.
setFinishButtonText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the text for the 'finish'-button.
setFinishClicked(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Sets the finishedClicked attribute.
setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyFolderEvent
Sets the folderId attribute of the NewSurveyFolderEvent object
setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent
Sets the folderId attribute of the PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent object
setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderDeletedEvent
Sets the folderId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent
Sets the folderId attribute of the NewSurveyFolderEvent object
setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the folder for this survey
setFolderTitle(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyFolderEvent
setFolderTitle(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent
setFolderTitle(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent
setFont(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the font for texts in survey and questions.
setFontColor(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the font color for texts in survey and questions.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the font size for texts in survey and questions.
setFooter(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the footer, text at the bottom of the survey (survey page)
setFormWidth(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the width of your survey in pixels
setFreeText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Sets the free text answer
setFreeTextColumns(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the number of columns in the free-text field
setFreeTextLabel(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the label for the free-text field
setFreeTextMaxLength(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the max length allowed to type in the free text field.
setFreeTextOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the freeTextOn attribute of the question
setFreeTextRows(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the number of rows in the free-text field
setFromCompletedDate(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets the respondent completed date that the export will begin from (inclusive).
setFromEmail(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the from email.
setFromName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the from name.
setFromRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets the respondent id that the export will start after.
setFromStartDate(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets the start date that the export will begin from (inclusive).
setHeader(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the header, text at the top of the survey
setHistoryType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent
setHtmlFile(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the HTML file for the survey.
setInitialStore(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentStoreEvent
True if respondent didn't exist in the database before
setIntextResponse(int, int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Response
Sets the answer to an in-text element.
setInvitationDate(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the invitation date
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationSentManuallyEvent
Sets the invitationId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationTaskCompletedEvent
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteInvitationEvent
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInvitationTaskEvent
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteAllEvent
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteEvent
setInvitationId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent
Sets the invitationId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
setInvitationMessage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the invitation message (in the email sent to invitee)
setInvitationName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the invitation name (used in listing of invitations in the admin screens).
setInvitationsAnonymity(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the invitation anonymity.
setInvitationSubject(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the invitation subject (in the email sent to invitee)
setInviteeEmailIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the flag to indicate if invitee email address is to be included in the export.
setInviteeId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent
setInviteeId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
setInviteeId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInviteeDeleteEvent
setInviteeId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
setInviteeIdIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the flag to indicate if invitee ID is to be included in the export.
setInviteeNameIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the flag to indicate if invitee name is to be included in the export.
setInviteeProperty(long, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Set or Update an invitee attribute
setInvitees(long[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationSentManuallyEvent
Sets the invitees that the invitation has been sent to.
setInvitees(long[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent
Sets the invitees that the invitation has been sent to.
setInvitees(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Adds invitees to the invitee list.
setItemId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ListItem
Sets the id of the list item
setItemName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ListItem
Sets the name of list item
setItems(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Sets the dropdown items (one item per line).
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Sets the dropdown label.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets the language for the user
setLanguageCode(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewTranslatedSurveyEvent
setLanguageCode(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent
setLastReminderMessage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Set message of the last reminder.
setLastReminderSubject(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Set subject of the last reminder.
setLicenseCode(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Sets the Opinio license code.
setListenerList(ListenerArrayList) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusListNode
setListenerLists(ListenerList) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.EventBusListNode
setLocal(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotaValueUpdatedEvent
Indicate if the event originated locally or remotely
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the locale for this export.
setLoggedInUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLoginEvent
Sets the user id of the newly logged in user.
setLoggedOutUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLogoutEvent
Sets the user id of the newly logged out user.
setLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AdminEvent
setLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets the login name
setMainCss(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the CSS for the survey.
setMaxResponses(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the maximum responses for this survey.
setMaxText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Sets the maximum text
setMaxUploadSize(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the maximum size for uploaded files in KB.
setMemo(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets the memo (additional information about the user)
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.ProcessResult
Sets message to show to the user (error message or confirmation message)
setMinText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Sets the minimum text
setMobileHeader(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the mobile header, text at the top of the survey
setMultipleOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Sets the multipleOn attribute of the Dropdown question.
setMultipleOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Sets multiple selections.
setMultipleSubmissions(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the multiple submissions on/off.
setMultipleSubmissionsCheckType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the multiple submissions check type for the survey.
setNALabel(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Sets the label of the N/A field
setName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Sets the name attribute of the InviteeList object
setName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserGroup
Sets the user group name
setNewQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionMovedEvent
setNewUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserEvent
Sets the user id of the newly created user.
setNewUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewUserEvent
Deprecated. Sets the newUserId
setNewUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserEvent
setNextButtonImage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the image to use instead of 'next'-button.
setNextButtonText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the text for the 'next'-button.
setNumericType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Sets the numeric type attribute
setOldQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionMovedEvent
setOptionValue(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Sets the value (selected/not selected) for multiple option.
setOtherField(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMultiple
Sets text-field for entering "other", if none of the other choices apply.
setOtherValue(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseMultiple
Sets the input for multiple other field, if applicable.
setPanelId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSignupSurveyEvent
setPanelId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeletePanelistsEvent
setPanelId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteSignupSurveyEvent
setPanelistId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewPanelistEvent
setPanelistId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistDeletedEvent
setPanelistId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent
setPanelistId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
setPanelistId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistUpdatedEvent
setPanelSignupSurvey(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
setParentSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewTranslatedSurveyEvent
setParentSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets the password
setPostfixLabel(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Sets the postfix label for the numeric input.
setPrefixLabel(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionNumeric
Sets the prefix label for the numeric input.
setPreventMethods(BitSet) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the method to prevent multiple submissions.
setProgressBar(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Turn the progress bar on/off
setProgressBarLabel(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Set the progress bar label type (one of the types above)
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Method for saving a plugin property value in the database.
setQuestionLayout(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the question layout attribute of the question.
setQuestionLibrary(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
setQuestionLibrary(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
setQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplayQuestionEvent
Sets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
setQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewQuestionEvent
setQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionDeletedEvent
setQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionUpdatedEvent
setQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ResponseEvent
Sets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
setQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.DisplayQuestionEvent
Deprecated. Sets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
setQuestionNo(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.ResponseEvent
Deprecated. Sets the questionNo attribute of the ResponseBeforePopulateEvent object
setQuestionText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the question text.
setQuotaId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotaValueUpdatedEvent
Sets the quota Id
setRatingLevel(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Sets the rating level
setRatingStartLevel(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Sets the rating start level
setRedirectAddress(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the web address to go to when the respondent is completed.
setRedirectAfter(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Define when to redirect: after last survey page or after the thank-you note.
setReminder1Date(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the date when the first reminder will be sent.
setReminder2Date(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the date when the second reminder will be sent.
setReminder3Date(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the date when the third reminder will be sent.
setReminder4Date(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the date when the fourth reminder will be sent.
setReminder5Date(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the date when the fifth reminder will be sent.
setReminderMessage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the reminder message.
setReminderSubject(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Sets the reminder subject.
setReportId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewReportEvent
setReportId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ReportDeletedEvent
setReportId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the report that this export will use for settings.
setReportName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewReportEvent
setReportName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ReportDeletedEvent
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ILogin
Sets the request object.
setResourceId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserPermissionEvent
Set the resource id associated with the new permission created.
setResources(HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent
Sets the resources Object.
setResources(HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewLiveRespondentEvent
setResources(HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyPageEvent
Sets the resources Object.
setResources(HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotasReachedEvent
Sets the resources Object.
setResources(HashMap) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyPageEvent
Deprecated. Sets the resources Object.
setResourceType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewUserPermissionEvent
Get the resource type of the resource id associated with the new permission created.
setRespondentAttributesIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the flag to indicate if all attributes are to be included in the export.
setRespondentAttributesToIncludeInExport(String[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
This sets the attributes to include in the export.
setRespondentCount(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentsExportedEvent
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AbandonedSurveyEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the AbandonedSurveyEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplayQuestionEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewLiveRespondentEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewRespondentEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyPageEvent
Sets the value of respondentId.
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuotasReachedEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentCompleteEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentDataFoundEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentDataFoundEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentStoreEvent
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ResponseEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveySaveEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the SurveySaveEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TransientRespondentCompleteEvent
Sets the respondentId attribute of the TransientRespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.DisplayQuestionEvent
Deprecated. Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewRespondentEvent
Deprecated. Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyPageEvent
Deprecated. Sets the value of respondentId.
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.RespondentCompleteEvent
Deprecated. Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.RespondentDataFoundEvent
Deprecated. Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentDataFoundEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.ResponseEvent
Deprecated. Sets the respondentId attribute of the RespondentCompleteEvent object
setRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveySaveEvent
Deprecated. Sets the respondentId attribute of the SurveySaveEvent object
setResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.ILogin
Sets the response object.
setSave(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Set the save variable
setSaveAndBack(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the saveAndBack attribute.
setSaveButtonImage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the image to use instead of 'save'-button.
setSaveButtonText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the text for the 'save'-button.
setSaveScreenContent(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent
Sets the content of the screen that will be displayed when a survey is saved by the respondent.
setSelectedValue(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseDropdown
Sets the chosen item (if more than one - set one by one)
setSendDates(long[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Set dates when invitation and reminders will be sent.
setShowNA(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionRating
Sets the value for showNA attribute.
setSize(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Sets the dropdown size.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionMatrix
Sets the matrix size.
setSortOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.InviteeList
Sets the alphabetic sort on/off.
setSortOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.QuestionDropdown
Sets the sorting attribute.
setStartButtonImage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the image to use instead of 'start'-button.
setStartButtonText(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the text for the 'start'-button.
setStartDate(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the start date.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
setStopDate(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the stop date.
setStoreOPDataOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the storeOPDataOn attribute.
setStorePageResponseOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the storePageResponseOn attribute.
setSurveyHeading(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey heading.
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.BranchDeletedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ImportedSurveyEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationSentManuallyEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationTaskCompletedEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LoadSurveyEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the LoadSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewBranchEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewQuestionEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewReportEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSignupSurveyEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewTranslatedSurveyEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PanelistInvitedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PollImpressionEvent
Set survey (poll) id
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteRespondentsEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteSignupSurveyEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInvitationTaskEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the InvitationSentManuallyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the PreSurveyDeleteEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionDeletedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionMovedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.QuestionUpdatedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.ReportDeletedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentDeletedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentReopenedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentsExportedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyUpdatedEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyDeletedEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
Sets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyUpdatedEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Set the id of the survey containing the data.
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.NewSurveyEvent
Deprecated. Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
Deprecated. Sets the surveyId attribute of the PreSurveyDeleteEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveyDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Sets the surveyId attribute of the NewSurveyEvent object
setSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveyEvent
Deprecated. Sets the surveyId attribute of the SurveyEvent object
setSurveyIntro(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey introduction.
setSurveyName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.LoadSurveyEvent
setSurveyName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.NewSurveyEvent
setSurveyName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreSurveyDeleteEvent
setSurveyName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent
setSurveyName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
setSurveyName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey name.
setSurveyPageCustomAttribute(int, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets (creates / updates) the survey page custom attribute.
setSurveyPages(int[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Deprecated. use setSurveySections();
setSurveyReturnMessage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveySaveEvent
Sets the message that will be sent to the respondent when the survey is sent.
setSurveyReturnMessage(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveySaveEvent
Deprecated. Sets the message that will be sent to the respondent when the survey is sent.
setSurveySections(int[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets survey pages.
setTabletHeader(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the tablet header, text at the top of the survey
setTaskId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InvitationTaskCompletedEvent
setTaskId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreInvitationTaskEvent
setTemplateName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the template name.
setTextAfter(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the text-after attribute of the question.
setTextBefore(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the text-before attribute of the question.
setThankYouNote(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Respondent
Sets the custom thank-you note for current respondent.
setThankYouNote(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the 'thank you'-note.
setTitleColor(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey font color.
setTitleFont(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey title font.
setTitleFontSize(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the survey title font size in pixels.
setToCompletedDate(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets the completed date that the export will end with (inclusive).
setToRespondentId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets the respondentId that the export will stop at (inclusive).
setToStartDate(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets the start date that the export will end with (inclusive).
setTrashedSurveyId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
setUpdatedUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserUpdateEvent
Sets the id of the updated user.
setUpdatedUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserUpdatedEvent
Deprecated. Sets the id of the updated user.
setUpdatedUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserUpdateEvent
setUpdatedUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserUpdatedEvent
setUploadType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Set the upload type.
setURLParams(Map) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PipingSource
URL parameters from the request.
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.AdminEvent
Sets the userId of the user who performed this action.
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeletePanelistsEvent
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PostDeleteRespondentsEvent
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteInvitationEvent
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.PreDeleteRespondentsEvent
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.AdminEvent
Deprecated. Sets the userId
setUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLoginEvent
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Sets the user name
setValidationType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Sets the validationType attribute.
setValidator(int, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the validator.
setValidator(int, String, String, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Deprecated. Use setValidator(int type, String errorMessage, String parameter, String intextTagId)
setValidator(int, String, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the in-text element validator.
setValidator(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Sets the matrix cell validator.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseNumeric
Sets the answer for the numeric question.
setValue(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResponseRating
Sets the answer to the rating question.
setWasFullyStored(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentStoreEvent
setWeight(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
The weight of this question
setZipFile(File) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.CSVExportParameters
Sets the zip file to export file to.
size() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Gets the size of the list
sort() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Sorts the arraylist.
start() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Any PluginBus registrations should be done here.
startInvitation(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Start the invitation.
STATUS_COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
STATUS_STARTED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.InviteeImportEvent
stop() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.Plugin
Method called by the system before exiting.
stopAllPlugins() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.PluginManager
Stop all plugins plugins.
stopAllThreads() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Stop All Threads: Gets the stop all threads attribute of the System Globals object
stopInvitation(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Stop the invitation.
storeProps(Properties, File) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
Stores a property object to an output stream
storeRespondent(long, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Save respondent to the storage.
Survey - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Survey.
SURVEY_INCLUDE_REPORTS_ALL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Constants
Include all reports when exporting, importing and copying surveys.
SURVEY_INCLUDE_REPORTS_NONE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Constants
Do not include reports when exporting, importing and copying surveys.
SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired after the survey behavior is updated.
SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent
Creates a new event.
SurveyDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new Survey is deleted.
SurveyDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
SurveyDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
SurveyDeletedEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveyDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
SurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
This class represents a survey event.
SurveyEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyEvent
Creates a new survey event.
SurveyEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
SurveyEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveyEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new survey event.
SurveyFolderDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a Folder is deleted.
SurveyFolderDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a folder is updated.
SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent
Creates a new event.
SurveyManager - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Encapsulates functionality to manage surveys, survey folders, and survey respondents.
SurveyManager() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
SurveySaveEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a survey is saved by a respondent, right before the return message is sent.
SurveySaveEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveySaveEvent
Creates a new SurveySaveEvent.
SurveySaveEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
SurveySaveEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.SurveySaveEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new SurveySaveEvent.
SurveySection - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
This class encapsulates survey section data.
SurveySecurityException - Exception in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Exception to throw if unauthorized access.
SurveySecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySecurityException
Default constructor
SurveySecurityException() - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySecurityException
Default constructor
SurveySecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySecurityException
Constructor which takes a describing string as parameter
SurveySystemException - Exception in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Exception to throw if an error occurs in the business logic.
SurveySystemException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySystemException
Default constructor
SurveySystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySystemException
SurveySystemException() - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySystemException
Default constructor
SurveySystemException(String) - Constructor for exception com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveySystemException
Constructor which takes a describing string as parameter
SurveyUpdatedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired after a survey is updated.
SurveyUpdatedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SurveyUpdatedEvent
Creates a new event.
SystemInfoSavedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when system info is saved by a user.
SystemInfoSavedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.SystemInfoSavedEvent
Creates a new SystemInfoSavedEvent.


TAG_END - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
In-text element end tag
TAG_START - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
In-text element start tag
toArray() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.ListenerArrayList
Gets an array with all objects in the list.
toLogString() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Email
Return string object for this email (used for logging)
toString() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event
Returns a string representation of this BusEvent.
toString() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
toString() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent
Deprecated. Returns a string representation of this event.
TransientRespondentCompleteEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Event for non storable completed respondents
TransientRespondentCompleteEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TransientRespondentCompleteEvent
Creates a new event.
TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a new translation is created.
TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.


updateAttribute(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Update question attribute in the storage.
updateInvitation(Invitation) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Updates the invitation in the storage.
updateInvitee(long, String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Invitation
Update invitee
updateInviteeList(User, InviteeList) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.ResourceManager
Updates the invitee list.
updateQuestion(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Updates a question in the storage.
updateSurvey(User, long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.SurveyManager
Updates a survey in the storage.
updateUser(User) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Update user information.
updateUserGroup(User, UserGroup) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Updates the user group.
UpgradeFailedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when an upgrade has failed.
UpgradeFailedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UpgradeFailedEvent
Creates a new user event.
UPLOAD_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Upload allowed, type images
UPLOAD_NONE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
No upload allowed
User - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Represent a survey system user.
User(User) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.User
Constructor for the User object
UserDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a user is deleted.
UserDeletedEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserDeletedEvent
Creates a new event.
UserDeletedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
UserDeletedEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserDeletedEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
userExists(long) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
Checks if the user with the specified user id exists.
UserGroup - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Represent a survey system user.
UserGroup() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserGroup
Default constructor for the UserGroup object
UserLoginEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a user logged in Opinio.
UserLoginEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLoginEvent
Creates a new user event.
UserLogoutEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a user logged out of Opinio.
UserLogoutEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserLogoutEvent
Creates a new user event.
UserManager - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Manage survey system users.
UserManager() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.UserManager
UserUpdatedEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event
UserUpdatedEvent(IPBComponent) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.UserUpdatedEvent
Deprecated. Creates a new event.
UserUpdateEvent - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.event.events
Represents an event that is fired when a user is updated in the storage.
UserUpdateEvent(IEventListener) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.UserUpdateEvent
Creates a new event.


validate(Response) - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Question
Validates a response.
validate(long, int, long, HashMap) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.interfaces.IPluginValidator
Validates the question based on the attributes and values set in the settings hashmap
VALIDATION_TYPE_CLIENT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Client side responses validation
VALIDATION_TYPE_SERVER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.Survey
Server side responses validation
ValidatorType - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Constants for validator types.
veto() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event.NonVetoable
Disallows this BusEvent from being vetoed.
veto() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.Event
Vetoes this BusEvent.
veto() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent.NonVetoable
Deprecated. Disallows this event from being vetoed.
veto() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.event.PluginBusEvent
Deprecated. Vetoes this event.


warn(String) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.PluginUtil
log statements with level <= warn
wasFullyStored() - Method in class com.objectplanet.survey.event.events.RespondentStoreEvent
writeSurvey(User, long, boolean, boolean, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler
Writes XML representation of a survey to the output steam.


XMLHandler - Class in com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api
Handles translation to/from XML from/to business objects.
XMLHandler() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api.XMLHandler

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Built on December 20 2016