
Class Summary
AbandonedSurveyEvent Event for adandoned surveys.
AdminEvent Represents an event that is fired when an admin operation was performed.
BranchDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a branch is deleted.
DisplayQuestionEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new response is created, after the response has been responded to and the object has been populated.
DisplaySurveySaveScreenEvent Represents an event that is fired before the survey save screen is displayed.
ImportedSurveyEvent Represents an event that is fired when a Survey is imported.
InvitationSentManuallyEvent Represents an event that is fired when an invitation is sent manually.
InvitationTaskCompletedEvent Represents an event that is fired an invitation task is completed.
InviteeImportEvent Represents an event that is fired when invitee import thread has change it's status.
LicensesSavedEvent Represents an event that is fired when licenses is saved by a user.
LoadSurveyEvent Represents an event that is fired when a survey is loaded from the database
NewBranchEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new branch is created.
NewLiveRespondentEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new live respondent is created.
NewPanelistEvent Represents an event that is fired after a new panelist is in the db and email is verified.
NewQuestionEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new question is created.
NewReportEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new report is created.
NewRespondentEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new respondent is created.
NewSignupSurveyEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new sing-up survey for panel is created.
NewSurveyEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new Survey is created.
NewSurveyFolderEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new Folder is created.
NewTranslatedSurveyEvent Represents an event that is fired when a translation is deleted
NewUserEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new response is created, after the response has been responded to and the object has been populated.
NewUserPermissionEvent NOT YET USED.
PanelistDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired after a new panelist is in the db and email is verified.
PanelistHistoryItemSavedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a panelist history item has been saved
PanelistInvitedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a panelist is invited to a survey
PanelistUpdatedEvent Represents an event that is fired after a panelist is updated in the db.
PollImpressionEvent Represents an event that is fired when a poll is displayed
PostDeleteRespondentsEvent Represents an event that is fired right after survey respondents are deleted.
PreDeleteInvitationEvent Fired just before delete invitation event
PreDeleteRespondentsEvent Represents an event that is fired just before survey respondents are deleted.
PreInvitationTaskEvent Represents an event that is fired before an invitation task is started.
PreInviteeDeleteAllEvent Fired when all invitees in the invitation is about to be deleted
PreInviteeDeleteEvent Fired when one invitee is about to be deleted
PreSendCustomInvitationMessageEvent Represents an event that is fired before "custom" invitation messages are sent manually.
PreSurveyDeleteEvent Represents an event that is fired just before a Survey is deleted.
PreSurveyFolderDeleteEvent Represents an event that is fired just before a Survey is deleted.
PreSurveyPageEvent Represents an event that is fired before a survey page is displayed/accessed.
PreUserDeleteEvent Represents an event that is fired just before a user is deleted.
QuestionDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new question is deleted.
QuestionMovedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a question is moved from one place in the survey to another.
QuestionUpdatedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a question is updated.
QuotasReachedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a respondent is prevented from continuing the survey because one or more quotas are reached.
QuotaValueUpdatedEvent Event sent when a quota value has been updated.
ReportDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a report is deleted.
RespondentCompleteEvent Represents an event that is fired when a respondent completes a survey.
RespondentDataFoundEvent Represents an event that is fired URL data is found to be associated with a respondent.
RespondentDeletedEvent Represents an event that is sent after a single respondent has been deleted.
RespondentReopenedEvent Represents an event that is sent after a single respondent has been deleted.
RespondentStoreEvent Represents an event that is fired after a respondent has been partly or fully stored
ResponseEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new response is created, after the response has been responded to and the object has been populated.
SurveyBehaviorUpdatedEvent Represents an event that is fired after the survey behavior is updated.
SurveyDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new Survey is deleted.
SurveyEvent This class represents a survey event.
SurveyFolderDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a Folder is deleted.
SurveyFolderUpdatedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a folder is updated.
SurveySaveEvent Represents an event that is fired when a survey is saved by a respondent, right before the return message is sent.
SurveyUpdatedEvent Represents an event that is fired after a survey is updated.
SystemInfoSavedEvent Represents an event that is fired when system info is saved by a user.
TransientRespondentCompleteEvent Event for non storable completed respondents
TranslatedSurveyDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a new translation is created.
UpgradeFailedEvent Represents an event that is fired when an upgrade has failed.
UserDeletedEvent Represents an event that is fired when a user is deleted.
UserLoginEvent Represents an event that is fired when a user logged in Opinio.
UserLogoutEvent Represents an event that is fired when a user logged out of Opinio.
UserUpdateEvent Represents an event that is fired when a user is updated in the storage.

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Built on December 20 2016