Package com.objectplanet.survey.plugin.api

Class Summary
ConnectionPool Used to get database connection from the pool.
Constants Constants class for the plugin API.
CSVExportParameters This class represents the parameters for a CSV export.
Email Object that represents an email.
Folder ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Folder.
HtmlUtils HTML utility class for the plugins.
Invitation Class represents a survey invitation.
Invitations are used to invite people to participate in a survey.
Invitee Class represents an invitee (person who receives an invitation to a survey).
InviteeList This class represents a reusable invitee list.
ListItem This class represents a list item.
PanelistManager Encapsulates panelist functionality.
PipingSource Data needed to replace piping tag in the survey/question texts with correct values.
PluginUtil Utility class for the plugins.
Question ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Question.
QuestionDropdown This class represents a dropdown question.
QuestionMatrix This class represents a matrix question.
QuestionMultiple This class represents a multiple choice question.
QuestionNumeric This class represents a numeric question.
QuestionRating This class represents a rating question.
ResourceManager Encapsulates functionality to manage reusable resources.
Respondent ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Respondent.
Response ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Response.
ResponseDropdown Represents a response to the dropdown question.
ResponseMatrix Represents a response to the matrix question.
ResponseMultiple Represents a response to the multiple choice question.
ResponseNumeric Represents a response to the numeric question.
ResponseRating Represents a response to the rating question.
SequenceManager Encapsulates functionality to manage sequences in the database
Survey ATTENTION: This class is a facade for the system business Survey.
SurveyManager Encapsulates functionality to manage surveys, survey folders, and survey respondents.
SurveySection This class encapsulates survey section data.
User Represent a survey system user.
UserGroup Represent a survey system user.
UserManager Manage survey system users.
ValidatorType Constants for validator types.
XMLHandler Handles translation to/from XML from/to business objects.

Exception Summary
InvalidContentException Exception to throw when the content is invalid
LockException Exception to throw when the survey is locked by another user and can not be edited.
ParsingException Exception to throw if an error occurs while parsing a text
RespondentsExistException Exception to throw if there are some respondents for a survey.
SurveySecurityException Exception to throw if unauthorized access.
SurveySystemException Exception to throw if an error occurs in the business logic.

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Built on December 20 2016