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What is travelling through your network?Instantly find out what protocols and server port numbers are in use on your network, how much traffic each of them have generated, and how many hosts and conversations are using each protocol. You can also see when the protocol was first in use and the last time of activity. You can also easily drill down further into the data to see who is using each protocol [read more...]
Who is using your network?See which hosts are sending and receiving data on your network. The list can be sorted by ingoing and outgoing traffic, and you can also see how many conversations each host has been engaged in as well as the number of protocols it has been using. You can search for hosts of interest, and drill down further into the data to see which protocols each host has been using [read more...]
Where does it all come from?Find out which conversations are consuming most of the bandwidth on your network, see which other hosts a specific computer is sending to and receiving data from. Search for specific hosts and filter out conversations of interest. Drill down futher into the data to see which protocols a conversation use [read more...]