The screen for "new report":
Create new report: Set the report name,
a heading and a description of the survey report.
Look and feel: Set the layout
either by importing a style sheet (for advanced users)
or by using the provided parameters. See
look and feel
Header and footer: Select a header or
footer from the bank, or type it in manually.
Other report information:
With surveys with many responses, and a report page
at the end of the survey (if you have set up the
survey to go automatically to the report after respondent
has completed), recalculating every time would
put an enormous load on the server. To avoid this
you can choose to "cache report results".
This means that instead of recalculating statistics
continuously, you set a "recalculating period". For example
once an hour. This way the stats will be fairly updated
at all times without bringing your server down.
Even so, we recommend to turn off reporting for
respondents, if the number of respondents get very
high - creating the charts also puts on a high load.
This will be improved in future versions.
NOTE: Free-text comments are
never cached. This means that if the report is available
to the respondents, you could face serious server problems
at high loads.
You have now created the base for your report, and you are
forwarded to the report page, which is the main control page
for the report. From here you can add your elements.