The triggered alarms table displays information about the alarms that have been triggered since the probe started or was reset.
Trigger time - displays the time when the alarm was triggered
Count - the trigger count for the alarm
Entry type - the table the alarm is for.
Entry - the entry the alarm is for.
Field type - the alarm is triggered based on this fields value.
Description - the description set for the alarm.
Value - the value which caused the alarm to be triggered.
Severity - the severity of the alarm.
The triggered alarms table shows the last trigger value and trigger time. To show all the trigger times and values right click the alarm and click on "Show trigger values".
A tooltip showing detailed information about a defined alarm is shown by holding the mouse over a entry in the "Triggered alarm" table.
Triggered alarms popup menu
The triggered alarms poup menu is displayed if you right click an alarm entry.