Open a command line window or console, and cd to the directory where Network Probe is installed.
MS Windows with Sun Java VM: NOTE: You should always add at least "-Xmx256m" as the first parameter to the java command, otherwise the probe would run out of memory quite soon.
C:\Program Files\Network Probe 2>java -Xmx256m -jar Probe.jar Probe startup initialized... loading protocol definitions... Adapter MELCO WLI-PCM-L11 Wireless LAN Adapter successfully opened Probe is running Please open http://windows:7030/ in your web browser
Linux with Sun Java VM: NOTE: You should always add at least "-Xmx256m" as the first parameter to the java command, otherwise the probe would run out of memory quite soon.
$java -Xmx256m -jar Probe.jar Probe startup initialized... loading protocol definitions... These are the network adapters installed on your computer: ID, Adapter name 1, en0 2, en1 Please enter the ID for the adapeter you wish to use or enter 0 to quit: 2 You chose en1 Probe is running Please open http://linux:7030/ in your web browser