The user interface contains common elements found on most screens in the application. It is of great advantage to understand the basics of these elements.
Main menu: The main menu is seen on all screens in the system. It contains links to main areas of the application:
Page Icon: On each page in the system, there is a large icon on the left side below the main menu. This indicates the function of the current page. For instance, if you are viewing the content of a folder, a folder-icon will be displayed as the page icon. This icon exists to make the user interface more intuitive. It is often easier to recognize the page when looking at this icon, instead of reading the text on the page.
Crumbs: This is the collection of links right below the main menu. It is a very useful indication of your current location in the system. For example, it will tell you exactly which folder (or sub folder), the survey, and report you are currently working with. You can then click directly on the crumbs items to access one or more levels up.
Menu: All pages in the system have a page-specific sub menus. When you are viewing folder contents, for example, you will see that the menu contains links to create new folders, import to folder, and so on. The menu may also contain other useful links, to shorten the number of clicks when working with various resources (link to survey admin page when editing questions, for example).
Page title: Each page has a page title above the main content box, which will describe the purpose of that page.
Main page content: The main content box is displaying the actual page content. This could be a form for editing a resource, or various other information.
Guide: The guide-box on the left side of the screen (below the page menu) is meant to provide a short description of the current page. For more complex resources, like surveys, the context guide will display a list of steps recommended for creating the resource. The context guide will indicate what steps you have begun using (blue overlay icon on the steps), and what steps are completed (green check-mark on steps). On the lower right corner of the guide, there is a link to the guide details.
If you have limited access to the resource you are viewing, the guide items is either not shown or displayed as text items (no links).
The guide details screen will display each step, and a history for each step, and which user has performed each step. Each step must be set to completed-status manually if desired, or may be reset. Note that these steps are simply a guide and a checklist, they do not have to be set to complete when you have finished creating your surveys or other resources.
Recent items: The items at the lower left side of the screen contains the items you have recently accessed. This is a very useful and quick way go back to items you have recently been working with.
Current screen menu highlight: The current screen menu choice is highlighted with a light gray background.