Poll setup

A poll is a simple survey, usually embedded as an integral part of a web page. It is normally one question, like a multiple choice question, with a button to send the response. Then after answering this question, the respondent can view an instant chart of the poll results, either in a popup-window, or a chart embedded in the page. Opinio provides all this functionality, and more.

With Opinio, you can even create advanced polls, with any question type, like a rating, text-fields, matrix etc. All question types available in a normal survey is also available in a poll. This is because a poll is actually a survey in Opinio. Technically they almost the same, the only difference is that a poll is displayed as an integral part of a web page, while a Survey is a web page (or multiple pages) in its own right. The limitation for a poll is usually screen space. Often the poll author is forced a simple question type, to make it fit into another web page.

The poll setup screen is used to simplify the process of setting up a poll. Some of the poll attributes can also be set in the survey attributes screen, simply because a poll is actually a survey in Opinio.

NOTE: if you are editing a poll, and the poll is already published on your web page, the result/chart will be displayed on the web page, instead of the question form. This is because the poll (survey) will be locked while edited.

Survey and poll differences:

The poll setup screen has these elements:

An example: