%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% '## this function prints out the count for each department separated by comma (for the applet samples) function PrintDepartmentCount(ByRef employeeRS) If employeeRS.EOF Then exit Function End If While Not employeeRS.EOF Response.Write employeeRS("DepartmentCount") employeeRS.MoveNext if not employeeRS.eof then Response.Write "," end if Wend employeeRS.MoveFirst end function '## this function prints out each department name separated by comma (for the applet labels) function PrintDepartmentLabels(ByRef employeeRS) If employeeRS.EOF Then exit Function End If While Not employeeRS.EOF Response.Write employeeRS("Department") employeeRS.MoveNext if not employeeRS.eof then Response.Write "," end if Wend employeeRS.MoveFirst end function set DbConn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") cnpath="DBQ=" & server.mappath("employees.mdb") 'Response.Write cnpath DbConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; " & cnpath '## Let's say we have one table with employees. One of the columns '## is the department name, and the table name is employee '## The following lines gets the number of employees for each department Sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS DepartmentCount, Department FROM Employee GROUP BY Department ORDER BY Department" Set employeeRS = DbConn.Execute(Sql) %>
<% employeeRS.Close Set employeeRS = Nothing DbConn.Close Set DbConn = Nothing %>